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Suchergebnisse (2 Treffer)
Einschränken auf Kategorien: Deutsche Literatur 

Das Wikipedia Lexikon/Autoren [Glossar]

... Ondundozonananandana,One,One Dream,One Stop Shop,One armed scissor,One more finger,One-EP,One-world-generation,One-zero-niner,One ... ... rabbit,The yellow stone,The'M',The-Bigboss,The-Deep-Sea,The-Digit,The-Force,The-Kenny,The-Knack,The-Me,The-Raven,The-ayatollah,The-mad-scientist ...

Zeno.org-Shop. Autoren

Suttner, Bertha von/Romane/Die Waffen nieder!/Zweiter Band/Epilog [Literatur]

... when the world has never seen so many armed men and such frightful engines of destruction ready for their accursed work: ... ... , for the substitution of a state of law and justice for that of force and wrong, an event unparalleled in history? Have we not seen men ...

Literatur im Volltext: Bertha von Suttner: Die Waffen nieder! 2 Bände, Band 2, Dresden und Leipzig 1892, S. 297-324.: Epilog
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