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Suchergebnisse (16 Treffer)
Einschränken auf Bände: Pierer-1857 | Wander-1867 | Philosophie | Eisler-1904 | Soziologie 
Einschränken auf Kategorien: Lexikalischer Artikel | Gedicht | Sprichwort | Musik | Deutsche Literatur 

Chrysander, Friedrich/G.F. Händel/2. Band/Beilagen [Musik]

... S great Te Deum, at the Feast of the Sons of the Clergy. 1. ... ... that not ten paid for their Permits, but, on the contrary, had them given them, and money into ... ... , ye winds, your pinions move On the soft bosom of the air; Be all serene ...

Volltext Musik: Beilagen. Chrysander, Friedrich: G.F. Händel. Band 3, Leipzig: Breitkopf & Härtel, 1867.

Uz, Johann Peter/Gedichte/Versuch über die Kunst stets fröhlich zu seyn/Vierter Brief [Literatur]

... yet since we meet with it in all the quarters of the world, where there is any ... ... to do so, or that he would certainly do so: On the contrary, there was reason to suppose, that, in vindication ... ... 8 »If the state of the soul in the body (it's confinement there) ...

Literatur im Volltext: Johann Peter Uz: Sämtliche poetische Werke, Stuttgart 1890, S. 264-279.: Vierter Brief

Wille [Eisler-1904]

... name of will « (Ess. on the pow. III, p. 59). Nach BROWN ist Wille die ... ... fiat, or act of mental consent to the movement, comes in when the neutralization of the ... ... present action and a present feeling, whereby the one comes unter the control of the other« (Emot. and Will 3 , p. ...

Lexikoneintrag zu »Wille«. Eisler, Rudolf: Wörterbuch der philosophischen Begriffe, Band 2. Berlin 1904, S. 745-763.
Tyler [1]

Tyler [1] [Pierer-1857]

... worship, 1840; A father's letters to his son on the Apostolic rite of confirmation, 1843; The worship of the Blessed Virgin Mary in the Church of ... ... contrary to Holy Scripture, 1844; The Image-worship of the Church of Rome ...

Lexikoneintrag zu »Tyler [1]«. Pierer's Universal-Lexikon, Band 18. Altenburg 1864, S. 88.

Schiff [Wander-1867]

... To a crazy ship all winds are contrary. ( Bohn II, 5. ) It. : All nave rotta ... ... . Engl. : Judge not of a ship as she lieth on the stocks. ( Bohn II, 18. ) Holl. : Oordeel van ...

Sprichwort zu »Schiff«. Karl Friedrich Wilhelm Wander (Hrsg.): Deutsches Sprichwörter-Lexikon, Band 4. Leipzig 1876.

Willensfreiheit [Eisler-1904]

... theologischen Determinismus lehrt J. EDWARDS (Treat. on the will, 1754). – Vgl. D'ALEMBERT, Mel. DESTUTT ... ... 396 ff.). die Regel gilt, »that the same motive, in the same circumstances, will be followed by the same action« (ib.). ...

Lexikoneintrag zu »Willensfreiheit«. Eisler, Rudolf: Wörterbuch der philosophischen Begriffe, Band 2. Berlin 1904, S. 763-785.

Jahn, Otto/W.A. Mozart/Anhang/Beilagen/3. [Musik]

... ans.« After the name of the engraver follows the date, which is in ... ... voice were written in what the Italians stile the Contralto cleff; the reason for taking notice ... ... of this great composer, that the scale most clearly preponderates on the side of Mozart in this ...

Volltext Musik: 3.. Jahn, Otto: W.A. Mozart. Band 1, Leipzig: Breitkopf und Härtel, 1856, S. 1.
Pohl, Carl Ferdinand/Joseph Haydn/3. Band/Leben

Pohl, Carl Ferdinand/Joseph Haydn/3. Band/Leben [Musik]

... Gedicht gefeiert. Der Titel lautete: » Verses on the Arrival of the great musician Haydn in England « ... ... » Solomon finished his season on Wednesday night with the greatest eclat. The instrumental pieces of ... ... written to you and also begun the composition of the accompanyments to the scotch airs (15 in number ...

Volltext Musik: Leben. Pohl, Carl Ferdinand / Botstiber, Hugo: Joseph Haydn. Band 3, Leipzig, Breitkopf & Härtel, 1927..

Suttner, Bertha von/Autobiographisches/Memoiren/Achter Teil/62. Jahrhundertwende [Literatur]

... South Africa must have known, that the obvious line of action for the Boers to adopt would ... ... working, by all constitutional means, for the restoration of the Independence of the two Republics, believing that, by ... ... us. Foreign journals which assert the contrary and thereby try to fan the flames of war, are ...

Literatur im Volltext: Bertha von Suttner: Memoiren, Stuttgart und Leipzig 1909, S. 502-526.: 62. Jahrhundertwende
Chrysander, Friedrich/G.F. Händel/1. Band/2. Buch. Die große Wanderung/2. Erste Reise nach London

Chrysander, Friedrich/G.F. Händel/1. Band/2. Buch. Die große Wanderung/2. Erste Reise nach London [Musik]

... her decease this instrument should go to the master of the children of the chapel royal for the time being, and descend to his successors ... ... and the effect his anthems had on himself and the public at the time that many of them were ...

Volltext Musik: 2. Erste Reise nach London. Chrysander, Friedrich: G.F. Händel. Band 1, Leipzig: Breitkopf & Härtel, 1858.

Suttner, Bertha von/Autobiographisches/Memoiren/Siebenter Teil (1892-1898)/33. Briefe von Alfred Nobel [Literatur]

... The government here are almost in their senses; the people, on the contrary, are getting success- and vanity-drunken. A pleasant kind ... ... prospect of a future fairy-land or the less utopian picture of the thinkers common- wealth? My sympathies ...

Literatur im Volltext: Bertha von Suttner: Memoiren, Stuttgart und Leipzig 1909, S. 236-240.: 33. Briefe von Alfred Nobel

Lessing, Gotthold Ephraim/Theologiekritische und philosophische Schriften/Pope ein Metaphysiker!/Anhang [Literatur]

... . 2. Sect. 3. 3 'Tis on the contrary, from this Order of inferiour and superiour Things that we admire the World's Beauty, founded thus on Contrarietys: whilst from such various and ... ... , but permit to me, to wear the beard of a Philosopher till i pull it off and make ...

Literatur im Volltext: Gotthold Ephraim Lessing: Werke. Band 3, München 1970 ff..: Anhang
Nissen, Georg Nikolaus von/Biographie W.A. Mozart's/3. Reise ausser Deutschland nach Paris, London, Holland

Nissen, Georg Nikolaus von/Biographie W.A. Mozart's/3. Reise ausser Deutschland nach Paris, London, Holland [Musik]

... de sept ans.« After the name of the engraver follows the date, which is in ... ... masters often fail in these particulars on the first trial. The symphony ended, he took ... ... more difficult than those in the upper one; on which occasions the son looked back with ...

Volltext Musik: 3. Reise ausser Deutschland nach Paris, London, Holland. Nissen, Georg Nikolaus von: Biographie W.A. Mozart's. Leipzig: Breitkopf & Härtel, 1828 [Nachdruck Hildesheim, Zürich, New York: Georg Olms, 1991].
Chrysander, Friedrich/G.F. Händel/2. Band/3. Buch. Zwanzig Jahre bei der italienischen Oper in London/1. Goldne Zeiten. Geschichte der Akademie

Chrysander, Friedrich/G.F. Händel/2. Band/3. Buch. Zwanzig Jahre bei der italienischen Oper in London/1. Goldne Zeiten. Geschichte der Akademie [Musik]

... Letters from Paris say that on the festival of St. Louis the Royal Academy of Musick ... ... of M., for Tickets entitling the bearers to the liberty of the house for this Season: ... ... set up in Westminster-Abbey, and used on the day of the Coronation, has been presented to the ...

Volltext Musik: 1. Goldne Zeiten. Geschichte der Akademie. Chrysander, Friedrich: G.F. Händel. Band 2, Leipzig: Breitkopf & Härtel, 1860.
Weber, Max/Schriften zur Religionssoziologie/Die protestantische Ethik und der Geist des Kapitalismus/II. Die Berufsethik des asketischen Protestantismus/2. Askese und kapitalistischer Geist

Weber, Max/Schriften zur Religionssoziologie/Die protestantische Ethik und der Geist des Kapitalismus/II. Die Berufsethik des asketischen Protestantismus/2. Askese und kapitalistischer Geist [Soziologie]

... them (Matthew Henry, The worth of the soul, Works of the Pur. Div. p. ... ... Commonwealth must employ their parts to the utmost for the good of the Church and the Commonwealth. To neglect this and ... ... 1903 (Baptist Handbook 1904 S. 104): »The best men on the roll of our Puritan churches were men ...

Soziologie im Volltext: Max Weber: Gesammelte Aufsätze zur Religionssoziologie. Band 1, Tübingen 1986.: 2. Askese und kapitalistischer Geist

Kuhn, Adalbert/Märchen und Sagen/Sagen, Gebräuche und Märchen aus Westfalen/Zweiter Theil/Gebräuche und Aberglauben/Hochzeit/124. [In Berlin ist es noch scherzhafte Sitte, am Sylvesterabend oder] [Literatur]

... at least a hopeful love; if on the contrary, they bounce and fly asunder, the ... ... to put three nuts upon the bars of the grate, naming the nuts after the ... ... he has a regard for the person making the trial. If the nuts named after the ...

Literatur im Volltext: Adalbert Kuhn: Sagen, Gebräuche und Märchen aus Westfalen und einigen andern, besonders den angrenzenden Gegenden Norddeutschlands 1–2. Band 2, Leipzig 1859, S. 45-46.: 124. [In Berlin ist es noch scherzhafte Sitte, am Sylvesterabend oder]
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Paoli, Betty



Diese Ausgabe fasst die vier lyrischen Sammelausgaben zu Lebzeiten, »Gedichte« (1841), »Neue Gedichte« (1850), »Lyrisches und Episches« (1855) und »Neueste Gedichte« (1870) zusammen. »Letzte Gedichte« (1895) aus dem Nachlaß vervollständigen diese Sammlung.

278 Seiten, 13.80 Euro

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