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Einschränken auf Bände: Wander-1867 
Einschränken auf Kategorien: Sprichwort | Musik | Deutsche Literatur 

Hand [Wander-1867]

1. Alle Händ' voll to dohne, seggt de ol Zahlmann 1 ... ... VII, 423 a ; Eiselein, 570. Engl. : To have a finger in a pie. ( Eiselein, 570. ) ... ... desselben. Altfries. : Aadber, min Seen suar: Leddig Hand klaud udder Jend. ( Hansen ...

Sprichwort zu »Hand«. Karl Friedrich Wilhelm Wander (Hrsg.): Deutsches Sprichwörter-Lexikon, Band 2. Leipzig 1870.

Das Wikipedia Lexikon/Autoren [Glossar]

... ,MeIchior,MeanJim,Meanbean,Meandermind,MeandtheFarmer,Meansallow,Meant to live,Meantares,Meanttobe,Measure for measure,Meatball Machine,Meatman,Meba,Mebner ... ... Tmv23,Tnatrix,Tnc,Tnd,Tnde,Tneubner,Tneundorf,Tnfenster,Tniemueller,Tnixm,Tnotter,To Mega Therion,To late,To old,To-pse,To.ni,To.sch,To.tobi,ToAr,ToBo,ToF,ToFei,ToGi,ToGo,ToJe,ToJoTi,ToKaGin,ToKaLeJu ...

Zeno.org-Shop. Autoren

Chrysander, Friedrich/G.F. Händel/2. Band/Beilagen [Musik]

... o'er these twin-arts he's known to preside, To Sounds he'd allow, what to Wit was deny'd. ... ... Him more furious and desperate. He resolved to make one last effort to establish his power and fortune by ... ... of the Operas resolved absolutely to renounce them, rather than go to them under such exortion and ...

Volltext Musik: Beilagen. Chrysander, Friedrich: G.F. Händel. Band 3, Leipzig: Breitkopf & Härtel, 1867.

Kuhn, Adalbert/Märchen und Sagen/Norddeutsche Sagen, Märchen und Gebräuche/Anmerkungen/Sagen [Literatur]

... 34. a. Witches were supposed to have it in their power, to supply themselves with milk, by pulling ... ... stood, there was not wind enough to shake a pile of grass or move a hair of his beard. ... ... but that the third, beneath the gate leading to the Ythan, or water-gate, has hitherto baffled all ...

Literatur im Volltext: Adalbert Kuhn / W. Schwartz: Norddeutsche Sagen, Märchen und Gebräuche aus Meklenburg, Pommern, der Mark, Sachsen, Thüringen, Braunschweig, Hannover, Oldenburg und Westfalen. Leipzig 1848, S. 467-507.: Sagen

Ramann, Lina/Franz Liszt/Zweiter Band/Erste Abtheilung/Drittes Buch/8. London. Hamburg. Kopenhagen. 1841./3. [Musik]

... »The english may be »slow to move«, as the author of De Vere phrases it; but they ... ... long run. As a musical illustration to this text we have but to point to the career of M. Liszt. He came among us ...

Volltext Musik: 3.. Ramann, Lina: Franz Liszt. Als Künstler und Mensch, Band 2.1, Leipzig: Breitkopf & Härtel, 1887, S. 118-123.
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