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Einschränken auf Bände: Geschichte 
Einschränken auf Kategorien: Musik | Deutsche Literatur | Judaica 

Goethe, Johann Wolfgang/Briefe/1819 [Literatur]

... it in your power to bring your pupils acquainted with such excellent models, as those which your country of late has ... ... will be produced upon the arts by those precious relics, in England as well as in other countries. I have the honour to be with ...

Volltext von »1819«.

Goethe, Johann Wolfgang/Briefe/1766 [Literatur]

1766 1/10. An Cornelie Goethe L ... ... owes to his master. But one can see, that he is not yet acquainted, with the fair and delicate manners of our language. Notwithstanding he writes well. For the present state of the improvement of my english speaking, it ...

Volltext von »1766«.

Jahn, Otto/W.A. Mozart/Anhang/Beilagen/3. [Musik]

... were most necessary and produced the best effects. It is well known, that none but the most capital musicians are capable of accompanying ... ... have the honour of being read before the society, may not possibly be acquainted with the difficulty of playing thus from a ...

Volltext Musik: 3.. Jahn, Otto: W.A. Mozart. Band 1, Leipzig: Breitkopf und Härtel, 1856, S. 1.

Goethe, Johann Wolfgang/Gespräche/[Zu den Gesprächen]/1829 [Literatur]

... no doubt.« In his room .... hung two large engravings: one, the well-known panoramic view of Rome; the other, the old square engraving, ... ... he cried out, »Oh, the parson!« He thanked me for making him acquainted with this poem, and said, »It gives me a ...

Literatur im Volltext: Goethes Gespräche. Herausgegeben von Woldemar Freiherr von Biedermann, Band 1–10, Leipzig 1889–1896, Band 7, S. 153-177.: 1829

Goethe, Johann Wolfgang/Gespräche/[Zu den Gesprächen]/1804 [Literatur]

1804 1472. * 1804, Mitte ... ... he spoke to me in the theatre, that I asked him whether he was acquainted with our »Venice Preserved« [by Otway]. »Oh, very well! The comic scenes are particularly good.« I actually started at so strange ...

Literatur im Volltext: Goethes Gespräche. Herausgegeben von Woldemar Freiherr von Biedermann, Band 1–10, Leipzig 1889–1896, Band 10, S. 40-44,213-214.: 1804

Suttner, Bertha von/Autobiographisches/Memoiren/Achter Teil/62. Jahrhundertwende [Literatur]

62. Jahrhundertwende Jetzt schrieb man 1900. Ein neues Jahrhundert! Zwar ... ... Mr. Schreiner, Primeminister of Cape Colony. I do not know if you are well enough acquainted with Cape politics, to be aware of the full significance of the fact, ...

Literatur im Volltext: Bertha von Suttner: Memoiren, Stuttgart und Leipzig 1909, S. 502-526.: 62. Jahrhundertwende
Nissen, Georg Nikolaus von/Biographie W.A. Mozart's/3. Reise ausser Deutschland nach Paris, London, Holland

Nissen, Georg Nikolaus von/Biographie W.A. Mozart's/3. Reise ausser Deutschland nach Paris, London, Holland [Musik]

... necessary and produced the best effects. It is well known, that none but the most capital musicians are capable of accompaning ... ... have the honour of being read before the society, may not possibly be acquainted with the difficulty of playing thus from a ...

Volltext Musik: 3. Reise ausser Deutschland nach Paris, London, Holland. Nissen, Georg Nikolaus von: Biographie W.A. Mozart's. Leipzig: Breitkopf & Härtel, 1828 [Nachdruck Hildesheim, Zürich, New York: Georg Olms, 1991].
Chrysander, Friedrich/G.F. Händel/1. Band/2. Buch. Die große Wanderung/3. Capellmeister in Hannover. Der Vorgänger Agostino Steffani

Chrysander, Friedrich/G.F. Händel/1. Band/2. Buch. Die große Wanderung/3. Capellmeister in Hannover. Der Vorgänger Agostino Steffani [Musik]

... a young man, under twenty; I was acquainted with the merits of Steffani, and he had heard of me: I ... ... forth both his broad hands, and extending his fingers, 'could play pretty well on the organ; he received me with great kindness, and tooke an ...

Volltext Musik: 3. Capellmeister in Hannover. Der Vorgänger Agostino Steffani. Chrysander, Friedrich: G.F. Händel. Band 1, Leipzig: Breitkopf & Härtel, 1858.
Graetz, Heinrich/Geschichte der Juden/Dritter Zeitraum/Zweite Periode des dritten Zeitraumes/Noten/4. Der jüdische Gesandte Alfonsos VI., Ibn-Schalbib oder Amram ben Isaak

Graetz, Heinrich/Geschichte der Juden/Dritter Zeitraum/Zweite Periode des dritten Zeitraumes/Noten/4. Der jüdische Gesandte Alfonsos VI., Ibn-Schalbib oder Amram ben Isaak [Geschichte]

... returned to Almutamed, who was no sooner acquainted with the Jew's insolent speech, than he ordered some of his ... ... a very indecorous manner and using language, which that spirited monarch could not well breach, upon which, being unable to bear his impudence any longer, ...

Volltext Geschichte: 4. Der jüdische Gesandte Alfonsos VI., Ibn-Schalbib oder Amram ben Isaak. Geschichte der Juden von den ältesten Zeiten bis auf die Gegenwart. Leipzig [1896], Band 6, S. 360-363.
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