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Einschränken auf Bände: Wander-1867 | Philosophie 
Einschränken auf Kategorien: Sprichwort | Musik | Deutsche Literatur | Marxismus 

Arbeiten [Wander-1867]

... zu 58. Engl. : He that kills himself with working, must be buried under the gallows. ( Bohn II, 144. ) ... ... Gut arbeiten und Feuer anmachen erfordert Geschick . Engl. : Well to work and make a fire doth both care and ...

Sprichwort zu »Arbeiten«. Karl Friedrich Wilhelm Wander (Hrsg.): Deutsches Sprichwörter-Lexikon, Band 1. Leipzig 1867.

Marx, Karl/Das Kapital/I. Band: Der Produktionsprozeß des Kapitals/Fußnoten [Philosophie]

... for Amending the Factory Acts to enable the Inspectors to prevent illegal working, now become very prevalent«. 363 »Kinder von 8 ... ... , by a short training of the least expert can be more quickly as well as abundantly acquired... The master's machinery really ...

Volltext Philosophie: Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels: Werke. Berlin 1962, Band 23.: Fußnoten

Suttner, Bertha von/Autobiographisches/Memoiren/Achter Teil/62. Jahrhundertwende [Literatur]

... will continue to protest. We shall go on working, by all constitutional means, for the restoration of the Independence of the ... ... and prosperity exist once more in South Africa. We believe that we are working in a just cause and shall hope, in the not ... ... Colony. I do not know if you are well enough acquainted with Cape politics, to be aware of ...

Literatur im Volltext: Bertha von Suttner: Memoiren, Stuttgart und Leipzig 1909, S. 502-526.: 62. Jahrhundertwende

Lessing, Gotthold Ephraim/Theologiekritische und philosophische Schriften/Pope ein Metaphysiker!/Anhang [Literatur]

... not explain my own meaning so well as you. You understand me as well, as i do myself, but you express me better, than i ... ... from an unerring hand. But i deny she errs – – Nature still working as before, and not perversly or erroneously; not faintly ...

Literatur im Volltext: Gotthold Ephraim Lessing: Werke. Band 3, München 1970 ff..: Anhang

Weber, Max Maria von/Carl Maria von Weber/2. Band/3. Abtheilung/26. Abschnitt/Der zweite Sohn Alexander Victor Maria geboren [Musik]

... passons la dessus. You have so well construed my first prayers that I continue proposals in confidence to your kindness ... ... at last because all sort of uncertainty puzzles me, and disturbs me in working , To speak sincerely I do not unterstand why my honoured friend ...

Volltext Musik: Der zweite Sohn Alexander Victor Maria geboren. Weber, Max Maria von: Carl Maria von Weber. Ein Lebensbild. Band 2, Leipzig: Ernst Keil, 1866, S. 587-590.
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