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Object [Eisler-1904]

... quality to be in the rose, which is the cause of this sensation. This quality in the rose is the object perceived. and that ... ... which I have the conviction and belief of this quality, is, what in this case I call perception« (On the ...

Lexikoneintrag zu »Object«. Eisler, Rudolf: Wörterbuch der philosophischen Begriffe, Band 2. Berlin 1904, S. 1-45.

Kauṭilya/Das Arthaçastra des Kautilya/Einleitung [Philosophie]

... in our own European past do we find, this side the classics, a work more completely civilized« (ein Werk von ... ... dem anderen sein Land rauben oder ihn abmurksen will, zusammengefaßt: »In statesmanship get the formalities right, never mind about the moralities« ... ... 't bother no more about it, but after this always do whichever came handiest at the time« ( ...

Volltext Philosophie: Das altindische Buch vom Welt- und Staatsleben. Das Arthaçāstra des Kauṭilya. Leipzig 1926, S. 16-81.: Einleitung
Lessing, Gotthold Ephraim/Ästhetische Schriften/Laokoon

Lessing, Gotthold Ephraim/Ästhetische Schriften/Laokoon [Literatur]

... expression of παιζειν, used by Homer on this occasion, is scarce proper for hunting; as that of, Choros exercere, ... ... er, brauche denn auch Plinius das Wort sacrificare: It is in consequence of this that Pliny, in speaking of Diana's Nymphs on this very ...

Volltext von »Laokoon«.

Marx, Karl/Das Kapital/II. Band: Der Zirkulationsprozeß des Kapitals/Fußnoten [Philosophie]

... »This difference in the degree of durability of fixed capital, and this variety in the proportions in which the two sorts of capital may be ... ... the ground, and can obtain no return for a year; the other can get it ground into flour, sell it as bread to his ...

Volltext Philosophie: Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels: Werke. Berlin 1963, Band 24.: Fußnoten

Garbe, Richard/Die Samkhya-Philosophie/Die Lehre von der Materie/II. Physiologie/3. Der Ahamkâra [Philosophie]

... sânumâna und niranumâna anstellt: »We can get no account anywhere of this application of these terms. Self-consciousness ›not associated with inference‹ might ... ... that is; but then the difficulty would remain of tracing the connexion between this sense and the functions assigned to these aspects of self- ...

Volltext Philosophie: Die Sâṃkhya-Philosophie. Nach den Quellen von Richard Garbe. Leipzig 1917 [hier Abschnitte 2–4 wiedergegeben], S. 311-314.: 3. Der Ahamkâra
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