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Realität [Eisler-1904]

... . The reality that is presented is taken up in a form not adequate to its nature, and beyond which its ... ... other. But... this nature is the nature thought wants for itself, which even as mere thinking it desires to have, and which, further, in ...

Lexikoneintrag zu »Realität«. Eisler, Rudolf: Wörterbuch der philosophischen Begriffe, Band 2. Berlin 1904, S. 217-222.
Lessing, Gotthold Ephraim/Ästhetische Schriften/Laokoon

Lessing, Gotthold Ephraim/Ästhetische Schriften/Laokoon [Literatur]

... called. A composition, in his opinion, as absurd as a feast made up of sauces. The use of a pictoresque imagination is to brighten and ... ... old, because dancing, in the old Roman idea of it, was indecent even for men, in public; unless it were the sort ...

Volltext von »Laokoon«.
Gotamo Buddho/Die Reden Gotamo Buddhos/Aus der Längeren Sammlung/Anmerkungen

Gotamo Buddho/Die Reden Gotamo Buddhos/Aus der Längeren Sammlung/Anmerkungen [Philosophie]

... oben – auf sich selber bezogen: Even so must I run on, and even so stop, V 7 70 ... ... Prākṛit language in inscriptions. Even the Brahmanic inscription at Nānāghāṭ and those in the south just noticed ... ... from side to side? – from sorrow to sorrow? – to button up one cause of vexation, – and ...

Volltext Philosophie: Die Reden Gotamo Buddhos. Bd. 3, Zürich/Wien 1957.: Anmerkungen

Kauṭilya/Das Arthaçastra des Kautilya/Übersetzung/Das Arthaçastra des Kautilya/Viertes Buch: Die Säuberung von Dornen/Zwölftes Kapitel (87. Gegenstand) [Philosophie]

Zwölftes Kapitel (87. Gegenstand). Mädchenentjungferung. A1 Wer ... ... crazily. Some of them danced a savage dance: they would lift their skirts up to their knees and even higher; some of them screamed, some were beating the ground and the walls ...

Volltext Philosophie: Das altindische Buch vom Welt- und Staatsleben. Das Arthaçāstra des Kauṭilya. Leipzig 1926, S. 355-361.: Zwölftes Kapitel (87. Gegenstand)

Marx, Karl/Das Kapital/III. Band: Der Gesamtprozeß der kapitalistischen Produktion/V. Spaltung des Profits in Zins und Unternehmergewinn. Das zinstragende Kapital./28. Umlaufsmittel und Kapital. Tookes und Fullartons Auffassung [Philosophie]

... all these, of commercial discredit, manufactories shut up, artisans starving, and a general stagnation of industry and enterprise.« (p ... ... 1825, lead to a sudden, though only temporary, enlargement of the issues, even while the efflux of bullion is still going on, these, I apprehend ...

Volltext Philosophie: Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels: Werke. Berlin 1964, Band 25, S. 458-479.: 28. Umlaufsmittel und Kapital. Tookes und Fullartons Auffassung
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