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Leidenschaften [Sulzer-1771]

Leidenschaften. ( Schöne Künste) Die ... ... VI. Ges. 7 I like your ballad, and think it well adapted for your purpose of discountenancing expensive foppery and encouraging industry and frugality. If you can get it generally fung in your country, it may probably have a good deal ...

Lexikoneintrag zu »Leidenschaften«. Sulzer: Allgemeine Theorie der Schönen Künste, Band 2. Leipzig 1774, S. 692-703.

Freund (Subst.) [Wander-1867]

... 27. Engl. : He loves you well, that makes you weep. – He that loves dearly chides, severely. ... ... liuten wol, swer sînem vriunde bî gestêt, soz im an die rehten nôt gêt. ( Zingerle, 39. ) Engl. : A friend ... ... . : He's a good friend that speaks well on us behind our backs. Holl. : ...

Sprichwort zu »Freund (Subst.)«. Karl Friedrich Wilhelm Wander (Hrsg.): Deutsches Sprichwörter-Lexikon, Band 1. Leipzig 1867.

Ruoff (Ruff), Jakob/Drama/Adam und Heva/3. Akt [Literatur]

... wir wend im herren läben; der well uns bessre kinder gäben! HEVA. Das thüeye gott im himmel ... ... min wort vor dem anfang? ist nit das g'seit und pred'get lang? erhebt nit lut min wort ir stimm? min ...

Literatur im Volltext: Jacob Ruff: Adam und Heva. Quedlinburg und Leipzig 1848, S. 60-100.: 3. Akt
Pohl, Carl Ferdinand/Joseph Haydn/3. Band/Leben

Pohl, Carl Ferdinand/Joseph Haydn/3. Band/Leben [Musik]

... is still living, and as hearty and well as a man of 75 can be expected to be ... ... most uninhabited by the lovers of field sports, as well as music . I had the great pleasure of hearing your new quartett (opera 76) well performed before I went out of town, and never ...

Volltext Musik: Leben. Pohl, Carl Ferdinand / Botstiber, Hugo: Joseph Haydn. Band 3, Leipzig, Breitkopf & Härtel, 1927..
Lessing, Gotthold Ephraim/Ästhetische Schriften/Laokoon

Lessing, Gotthold Ephraim/Ästhetische Schriften/Laokoon [Literatur]

... prove a Lover. To entertain these fair well-spoken days, I am determined, to prove a Villain! ... ... ! My wounds ake, Would they would bleed again, that I might get Something to quench my thirst. FRANVILLE. O ... ... it be any thing; So I can get it down. Why Man, Poison's a ...

Volltext von »Laokoon«.

Goethe, Johann Wolfgang/Gespräche/[Zu den Gesprächen]/1818 [Literatur]

... school in Nuremberg. Goethe addressed him with »well, what news do you bring from Nuremberg?« »Nothing,« answered the lad ... ... comrades at school who could not live apart and yet could not get on together; the name of the one was Teufel (devil) and ...

Literatur im Volltext: Goethes Gespräche. Herausgegeben von Woldemar Freiherr von Biedermann, Band 1–10, Leipzig 1889–1896, Band 3, S. 316-318.: 1818

Pohl, Carl Ferdinand/Joseph Haydn/3. Band/Anhang/[Briefe und Schriften] [Musik]

... excuse me. I hope to hear you are quite well, and have kept well. I shall be happy to see you my ... ... gone , and that you have slept well. I shall be very happy to see you on Sunday any ... ... to merit it more and more. I hope to hear you are quite well, shall be happy to see you to ...

Volltext Musik: [Briefe und Schriften]. Pohl, Carl Ferdinand / Botstiber, Hugo: Joseph Haydn. Band 3, Leipzig, Breitkopf & Härtel, 1927., S. 375-400.

Kuhn, Adalbert/Märchen und Sagen/Norddeutsche Sagen, Märchen und Gebräuche/Anmerkungen/Sagen [Literatur]

... It also seems that the Asiatic, as well as the European witches, practise their spells by dancing at midnight, and ... ... the water-yett, And thir three stanes ye' se never get. The usual prose comment states that two of these stones ...

Literatur im Volltext: Adalbert Kuhn / W. Schwartz: Norddeutsche Sagen, Märchen und Gebräuche aus Meklenburg, Pommern, der Mark, Sachsen, Thüringen, Braunschweig, Hannover, Oldenburg und Westfalen. Leipzig 1848, S. 467-507.: Sagen

Blanckenburg, Friedrich/Theoretische Schrift/Versuch über den Roman/1. Von dem Anziehenden einiger Gegenstände/11. [Literatur]

... houseless poverty – Nay, get thee in; I'll pray, and then I'll sleep – ... ... extremity of the skies. – Is man no more than this? Consider him well. Thou ow'st the worm no silk, the beast no hide, ...

Literatur im Volltext: Friedrich von Blanckenburg: Versuch über den Roman, Leipzig und Liegnitz 1774. , S. 105-148.: 11.

Weber, Max Maria von/Carl Maria von Weber/2. Band/3. Abtheilung/26. Abschnitt/Der zweite Sohn Alexander Victor Maria geboren [Musik]

... you that it is vastly (interesting) to get the sight of the whole as soon as possible .« ... ... thing for me, but – passons la dessus. You have so well construed my first prayers that I continue proposals in confidence to your kindness ...

Volltext Musik: Der zweite Sohn Alexander Victor Maria geboren. Weber, Max Maria von: Carl Maria von Weber. Ein Lebensbild. Band 2, Leipzig: Ernst Keil, 1866, S. 587-590.

Allgemein/Oskar Dähnhardt: Natursagen/3. Band. Tiersagen: Erster Teil/12. Kapitel: Suchende Tiere/1. Der fliehende Pfannkuchen [Märchen]

... , seg doch noch e mol !« Do well dei Pankok der Su dat ent Ohr sege, aber do schnapt dei ... ... : »O Brauär Kook, kömms du ooch. Jong! Nu welle wör os get setten on os räesten.« Du trock dot Buremännken höäschkes e Knippken ut ...

Märchen der Welt im Volltext: 1. Der fliehende Pfannkuchen
Chrysander, Friedrich/G.F. Händel/2. Band/3. Buch. Zwanzig Jahre bei der italienischen Oper in London/1. Goldne Zeiten. Geschichte der Akademie

Chrysander, Friedrich/G.F. Händel/2. Band/3. Buch. Zwanzig Jahre bei der italienischen Oper in London/1. Goldne Zeiten. Geschichte der Akademie [Musik]

... arise, I wish and hope may end well. Thus do I gayly spend my days « etc. ... ... pay. But now I love, and your bewitching face Has well aveng'd the cause of human race. – You ... ... are these? Not Durastanti's self so well could please. Auch die Durastanti verdankte also ...

Volltext Musik: 1. Goldne Zeiten. Geschichte der Akademie. Chrysander, Friedrich: G.F. Händel. Band 2, Leipzig: Breitkopf & Härtel, 1860.
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