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Pohl, Carl Ferdinand/Joseph Haydn/3. Band/Werke

Pohl, Carl Ferdinand/Joseph Haydn/3. Band/Werke [Musik]

Werke. Das künstlerische Gesamtbild Haydns ist so oft gezeichnet worden, daß es ... ... those exquisite combinations and inimitable touches that render the compositions of Haydn more and more enchanting the oftener they are heard . 18 Vgl. oben S. ...

Volltext Musik: Werke. Pohl, Carl Ferdinand / Botstiber, Hugo: Joseph Haydn. Band 3, Leipzig, Breitkopf & Härtel, 1927..

Pohl, Carl Ferdinand/Joseph Haydn/3. Band/Anhang/[Briefe und Schriften] [Musik]

... was very much charmed with your delightful and enchanting compositions, and your spirited and interesting performance of them, accept then thousand ... ... you ten thousand thanks for the inexpressible delight I have received from your ever Enchanting compositions and your incomparably charming performance of them. Be assured my Dear ...

Volltext Musik: [Briefe und Schriften]. Pohl, Carl Ferdinand / Botstiber, Hugo: Joseph Haydn. Band 3, Leipzig, Breitkopf & Härtel, 1927., S. 375-400.
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