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Milton, John/Biographie

Milton, John/Biographie [Literatur]

Biographie John Milton 1608 ... ... 1660 März: »The Ready and Easy Way to Establish a Free Commonwealth«. Milton wird aus seinem Amt entlassen. ...

Biografie von John Milton

Chrysander, Friedrich/G.F. Händel/2. Band/Beilagen [Musik]

Beilagen Beilage I. (zu S. 116.) The Session of Musicians ... ... made Him more furious and desperate. He resolved to make one last effort to establish his power and fortune by force, since He found it now impossible to ...

Volltext Musik: Beilagen. Chrysander, Friedrich: G.F. Händel. Band 3, Leipzig: Breitkopf & Härtel, 1867.
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