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Einschränken auf Bände: Pierer-1857 | Philosophie | Eisler-1904 
Einschränken auf Kategorien: Lexikalischer Artikel 
England [2]

England [2] [Pierer-1857]

... History of E. from the Norman conquest to 1500, Lond. 1824, 5 Bde.; die neuere Geschichte : ... ... , History of the British empire from the accession of Charles I. to the restauration , Edinb. 1827, 4 Bde.; Guizot , ... ... E. from the restauration of Charles II. to the accession of the house of Hannover , ...

Lexikoneintrag zu »England [2]«. Pierer's Universal-Lexikon, Band 5. Altenburg 1858, S. 704-744.
Fordyce [2]

Fordyce [2] [Pierer-1857]

... 1796 in Bath ; er schr.: Sermons to young women , Lond. 1765, 2 Bde. ... ... female sex , ebd. 1776 (deutsch Lpz. 1776); Addresses to young men , ebd. 1777, 2 Bde. (deutsch Lpz. 1778); Add resses to the deity , ebd. 1785; Poems , ebd. 1787 u.m ...

Lexikoneintrag zu »Fordyce [2]«. Pierer's Universal-Lexikon, Band 6. Altenburg 1858, S. 415.
Widerspruchs, Satz des

Widerspruchs, Satz des [Eisler-1904]

... gar auto hama hyparchein te kai mê hyparchein adynaton autô kai kata to auto (Met. IV 3, 1005 b ... ... combine in thought what is really contrary. When you add any quality to any subject, do not treat the subject as if ...

Lexikoneintrag zu »Widerspruchs, Satz des«. Eisler, Rudolf: Wörterbuch der philosophischen Begriffe, Band 2. Berlin 1904, S. 738-741.
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