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Einschränken auf Bände: Philosophie 
Einschränken auf Kategorien: Musik | Deutsche Literatur | Weltanschauungsphilosophie 
Chrysander, Friedrich/G.F. Händel/3. Band/4. Buch. Uebergang zum Oratorium/1. Neue Oratorien

Chrysander, Friedrich/G.F. Händel/3. Band/4. Buch. Uebergang zum Oratorium/1. Neue Oratorien [Musik]

... for her late Majesty; set to Music by Mr. Handel, and performed by the Academy of Ancient Music ... ... Than as it opes a passage to the heart ; How comes it we those artless ... ... 's harmony affects the soul , To sooth by sweetness, or by force controul; And with like sounds ...

Volltext Musik: 1. Neue Oratorien. Chrysander, Friedrich: G.F. Händel. Band 3, Leipzig: Breitkopf & Härtel, 1867.

Goethe, Johann Wolfgang/Briefe/1766 [Literatur]

... a spirit of jest, much laudably moderated by the respect, he owes to his master. But one ... ... men, but how form a womens heart to his heappyness they understand not. A writing, a reconing ... ... were her paradise, and she learned never to be her own companion, to amuse her spiritually with herself. Finally ...

Volltext von »1766«.
Pohl, Carl Ferdinand/Joseph Haydn/3. Band/Leben

Pohl, Carl Ferdinand/Joseph Haydn/3. Band/Leben [Musik]

... follow afterwards in a post-chaise, so as to get to Oxford by seven o'clock. Why he did not come, Mr. Hayward will endeavour to learn, in order to give every satisfaction imaginable to the ... ... of July 15th as it has pointed out to me the means by which I may manifest my ...

Volltext Musik: Leben. Pohl, Carl Ferdinand / Botstiber, Hugo: Joseph Haydn. Band 3, Leipzig, Breitkopf & Härtel, 1927..

Gerstenberg, Heinrich Wilhelm von/Theoretische Schrift/Briefe über Merkwürdigkeiten der Literatur/Dritte Sammlung/20. Brief [Literatur]

... art curst Still to be near, but ne'er to be the first! « ... ... they're strange Hebrew Things to Me . 2) By Customs and Traditions ... ... At their own Charge to furnish it: To these expensive Deiteis ...

Literatur im Volltext: Heinrich Wilhelm Gerstenberg: Briefe über die Merkwürdigkeiten der Litteratur, Stuttgart 1890, S. 191-232.: 20. Brief

Schopenhauer, Arthur/Die Welt als Wille und Vorstellung/Zweiter Band/Ergänzungen zum vierten Buch/48. Zur Lehre von der Verneinung des Willens zum Leben [Philosophie]

... , in gottloser Rebellion »die naturgemäße Gesinnung verlassend« ( antitassomenoi poiêtê sphôn, – – – enkrateis tê pros ton pepoiêkota echthra ... ... out of these convertites There is much matter to be heard and learn'd 89 . (As you like ...

Volltext Philosophie: Arthur Schopenhauer. Zürcher Ausgabe. Werke in zehn Bänden. Band 4, Zürich 1977, S. 706-743.: 48. Zur Lehre von der Verneinung des Willens zum Leben
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