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Lessing, Gotthold Ephraim/Ästhetische Schriften/Laokoon

Lessing, Gotthold Ephraim/Ästhetische Schriften/Laokoon [Literatur]

... in this weak piping time of Peace) Have no delight to pass away the time; Unless to spy my shadow in the sun, ... ... but the snuffs of those Healths, We have lewdly at midnight flang away. MORILLAT. Ah! but to lick the glasses. ...

Volltext von »Laokoon«.

Goethe, Johann Wolfgang/Gespräche/[Zu den Gesprächen]/1816 [Literatur]

... he grew almost fervent as he deplored the want of extemporary eloquence in Germany, and said what I never heard before, ... ... not teach.« We remained with him nearly an hour, and when we came away he accompanied us as far as the parlor door with the same simplicity ...

Literatur im Volltext: Goethes Gespräche. Herausgegeben von Woldemar Freiherr von Biedermann, Band 1–10, Leipzig 1889–1896, Band 3, S. 268-274.: 1816

Gerstenberg, Heinrich Wilhelm von/Theoretische Schrift/Briefe über Merkwürdigkeiten der Literatur/Dritte Sammlung/20. Brief [Literatur]

... He whistled as he went, for want of thougt; verführt wird, was, sage ich, sollte ihn ... ... that works sometimes upon the Sword, Melted the Meaden-head away, Even in the secret Scabbard where it lay. ...

Literatur im Volltext: Heinrich Wilhelm Gerstenberg: Briefe über die Merkwürdigkeiten der Litteratur, Stuttgart 1890, S. 191-232.: 20. Brief

Claudius, Matthias/Gedichte und Prosa/Asmus omnia sua secum portans/Fünfter Teil/Anhang zum fünften Teil: Von und Mit/Nro. 6 [Literatur]

... blood With solemn rev'rence: throw away respect, Tradition, form, and ceremonious duty, For you have ... ... this while: I live on bread like you, feel want like you, Taste grief, need friends, like you: ...

Literatur im Volltext: Matthias Claudius: Werke in einem Band. München [1976], S. 399-413.: Nro. 6
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