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Jahn, Otto/W.A. Mozart/Anhang/Beilagen/3. [Musik]

... was not amazingly capital, yet it was really above mediocrity, and shewed most extraordinary readiness of invention . Finding ... ... informed, that the prince of Saltzbourg, not crediting that such masterly compositions were really those of a child, shut him up for a week, ...

Volltext Musik: 3.. Jahn, Otto: W.A. Mozart. Band 1, Leipzig: Breitkopf und Härtel, 1856, S. 1.
Nissen, Georg Nikolaus von/Biographie W.A. Mozart's/3. Reise ausser Deutschland nach Paris, London, Holland

Nissen, Georg Nikolaus von/Biographie W.A. Mozart's/3. Reise ausser Deutschland nach Paris, London, Holland [Musik]

... was not amazingly capital, yet it was really above mediocrity, and shewed most extraordinary readiness of invention. Finding ... ... informed, that the prince of Saltzbourg, not crediting that such masterly compositions were really those of a child, shut him up for a week, during which ...

Volltext Musik: 3. Reise ausser Deutschland nach Paris, London, Holland. Nissen, Georg Nikolaus von: Biographie W.A. Mozart's. Leipzig: Breitkopf & Härtel, 1828 [Nachdruck Hildesheim, Zürich, New York: Georg Olms, 1991].
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