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Einschränken auf Bände: Eisler-1912 
Einschränken auf Kategorien: Lexikalischer Artikel | Philosoph 

Reid, Thomas [Eisler-1912]

... we are conscious of, must have a subject, which we call mind«) und der Satz der Kausalität (»that whatever begins to exist, must have a cause which produced it«). 2. Axiome der ... ... außer uns gerichtet (»perceptions have always an external object«). Wir beziehen unmittelbar unsere Sinnesempfindungen auf die (primären ...

Lexikoneintrag zu »Reid, Thomas«. Eisler, Rudolf: Philosophen-Lexikon. Berlin 1912, S. 585-586.

Norris, John [Eisler-1912]

... any understanding or will, nor can ever be unmade by them, but have a certain stated and unalterable order«). SCHRIFTEN: Letters concerning the love of God, 1695. – An Account of reason and faith in relation to the mysteries of Christianity, 1697. – An Essay towards ...

Lexikoneintrag zu »Norris, John«. Eisler, Rudolf: Philosophen-Lexikon. Berlin 1912, S. 508.

Berkeley, George [Eisler-1912]

... which composes the mighty frame of the world, have not any subsistence without a mind, that their being is to be perceived or known«). Da Vorstellungen wieder nur Vorstellungen ähnlich ... ... (»a sort of foresight, which enables us to regulate our actions for the benefit of life«). Die ...

Lexikoneintrag zu »Berkeley, George«. Eisler, Rudolf: Philosophen-Lexikon. Berlin 1912, S. 60-62.

Priestley, Josef [Eisler-1912]

... 1774. – Hartley's Theory of Human Mind, 1775. – Disquisitions relating to matter and spirit, 1777. – The Doctrine of philosophical Necessity, 1777. – Free Discussions of the Doctrines of Materialism, 1778. – Letters to a philosophical unbeliever, 1780; deutsch 1782 (Kritik Humes). ...

Lexikoneintrag zu »Priestley, Josef«. Eisler, Rudolf: Philosophen-Lexikon. Berlin 1912, S. 570-571.
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