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Einschränken auf Kategorien: Musik 
Chrysander, Friedrich/G.F. Händel/3. Band/4. Buch. Uebergang zum Oratorium/1. Neue Oratorien

Chrysander, Friedrich/G.F. Händel/3. Band/4. Buch. Uebergang zum Oratorium/1. Neue Oratorien [Musik]

... that at the same Theatre there will be a Masquerade on Thursday the 25 Jnst. « Lond ... ... him in any future Attempt. As I should be extremely sorry to be depriv'd of hearing this again, and ... ... his Advertisement (that it was to be the last time), I must beg leave, by your means, ...

Volltext Musik: 1. Neue Oratorien. Chrysander, Friedrich: G.F. Händel. Band 3, Leipzig: Breitkopf & Härtel, 1867.
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