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Einschränken auf Kategorien: Deutsche Literatur 

Lizenz: GFDL [Zeno]

... this Licenseprincipally for works whose purpose is instruction or reference.1. APPLICABILITY AND DEFINITIONSThis License applies to any manual or ... ... be similar in spirit to the present version, but maydiffer in detail to address new problems or concerns. Seehttp://www.gnu.org/copyleft/.Each version ...

Goethe, Johann Wolfgang/Briefe/1831 [Literatur]

... , which you have had the Kindness to address to me, has afforded me the greatest Pleasure; for, as my ... ... communiquer vos lumières autant qu'il pouvoit le désirer et que le comportoit son instruction; vous aurez abservé sans doute qu'il possédoit à un haut degré ...

Volltext von »1831«.
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