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Einschränken auf Kategorien: Musik | Deutsche Literatur 
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang/Briefe/1820

Goethe, Johann Wolfgang/Briefe/1820 [Literatur]

... Wohlgeboren wohl die Geneigtheit haben würden. Vorläufig aber bring ich einige Fragen vor, über welche ich aufgeklärt zu ... ... wohl dolmetschen wird: Perhaps it may be gratifying to Mr. de Goethe to know, that in Consequence of the extensive Sale ... ... kleine Sendung noch von Jena, der ich guten Empfang wünsche. November und December bring ich also die Abende ...

Volltext von »1820«.

Goethe, Johann Wolfgang/Briefe/1819 [Literatur]

... me the honour of adressing to me last November, permit me to remark, that if such young ... ... feel an equal degree of satisfaction to have had it in your power to bring your pupils acquainted with such excellent models, as those which ... ... glorious period, and hold ourselves indebted to you for having enabled us to participate, to such ...

Volltext von »1819«.
Pohl, Carl Ferdinand/Joseph Haydn/3. Band/Leben

Pohl, Carl Ferdinand/Joseph Haydn/3. Band/Leben [Musik]

... , as he had actually said, he would be ready to get into the carriage with the singers, and Mr. Burtchart, ... ... see few or none of the persons whom I mean to stimulate to do themselves the honour of subscribing to your work. I wish ...

Volltext Musik: Leben. Pohl, Carl Ferdinand / Botstiber, Hugo: Joseph Haydn. Band 3, Leipzig, Breitkopf & Härtel, 1927..
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