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Einschränken auf Kategorien: Musik 
Thayer, Alexander Wheelock/Ludwig van Beethovens Leben/3. Band/1. Kapitel. Das Jahr 1807

Thayer, Alexander Wheelock/Ludwig van Beethovens Leben/3. Band/1. Kapitel. Das Jahr 1807 [Musik]

... – ›I'll bring you a list.‹ In short, I agreed with him to take in MSS. three quartets, a symphony, an overture, ... ... at my request, he will adapt for the pianoforte with and without additional keys; and a concerto for ...

Volltext Musik: 1. Kapitel. Das Jahr 1807. Thayer, Alexander Wheelock: Ludwig van Beethovens Leben. Band 3, Leipzig: Breitkopf & Härtel, 1911..

Chrysander, Friedrich/G.F. Händel/2. Band/3. Buch. Zwanzig Jahre bei der italienischen Oper in London/4. Die ersten öffentlichen Oratorien in London und Oxford [Musik]

... for Opera, when compos'd by poets, who know how to distinguish the sweetness of our tongue, from the strength ... ... of dramatic Opera might be invented, that, by reconciling reason and dignity, with musick and fine machinery, would charm the ear and ... ... have the goodness to impute it only to the zeal, with which I wish you at the head ...

Volltext Musik: 4. Die ersten öffentlichen Oratorien in London und Oxford. Chrysander, Friedrich: G.F. Händel. Band 2, Leipzig: Breitkopf & Härtel, 1860.
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