Statut von Winchester.

Eduard III 1285.

Urtext französisch; nach der Übersetzung von Stubbs, Select Charters, S. 474.

[188] And further it is commanded that every man have in his house harness for to keep the peace after the ancient assize; that is to say, every man between fifteen years of age and sixty years, shall be assessed and sworn to armour according to the quantity of their lands and goods; that is to wit, from fifteen pounds lands, and goods forty marks, and hauberke, an helme of iron, a sword, a knife, and a horse; and from ten pounds of lands, and twenty marks goods, an hauberke, an helme of iron, a sword, and a knife; and from five pound lands, a doublet, an helme of iron, a sword, and a knife; and from forty shillings of land, a sword, a bow and arrows, and a knife; and he that has less than forty shillings yearly shall be sworn to keep gisarmes, knives, and other less weapons; and he that has less than twenty marks in goods, shall have swords, knives, and other less weapons; and all other that may shall have bows and arrows out of the forest, and in the forest bows and boults. And that view of armour be made every year two times. And in every hundred and franchise two constables shall be chosen to make the view of armour; and the constables aforesaid shall present before justices assigned such defaults as they do see in the country about armour, and of the suits, and of watches, and of highways, and also shall present all such as do lodge strangers in uplandish towns, for whom they will not answer. And the justices assigned shall present at every parliament unto the king such defaults as they shall find, and the king shall provide remedy therein.

Hans Delbrück: Geschichte der Kriegskunst im Rahmen der politischen Geschichte. Berlin 1923, Teil 3, S. 188.