
Namen-Register zum Plan von London.

Die Buchstaben und Zahlen zwischen den Linien | H6 | bezeichnen die Quadrate des Planes.

Abbeyfield RoadH6
Abbey RoadA1, 2
– StreetG2, 3; G5
Abercorn PlaceA2
Acacia RoadAB1, 2
Acton StreetDE2
Adam StreetH5
Addington SquareF7
Adelaide RoadAB1
Adelphi TheatreD4
Agricultural HallE1, 2
Ainger RoadB1
Albany RoadFG7
– RowG7
– StreetC2, 3
Albemarie StreetC4
Albert BridgeB7
– EmbankmentD6
– MemorialA5
– RoadB7; BC1
– SquareD7
– StreetC1, 2
Albion DockH5
– GroveE1
– SquareG1
– StreetD2; H5
Aldenham StreetB2
Alderminster RoadG6
Alderney StreetC6
Aldersgate StreetF3
–_– StationF3
Aldgate Hall StreetG4
Aldgate StationG4
Alexandra RoadA1
Alfred StreetE2
Alie Street, Gr. u. LittleG4
Allerton StreetF2
Alley StreetF6, 7
All Saints ChurchH5
Alma RoadG6
Alms HouseH3
Alscot RoadG6
Amelia StreetEF6
Ampthill SquareC2
Amwell StreetE2
Anchony StreetH4
Anchor LaneGH6
Andrews StreetD4
Appold StreetFG3
Approach RoadH2
Apsley HouseC5
Argyle SquareD2
Argyll PlaceC4
Arlington RoadC1, 2
– StreetF1, 2
Army Cloth, DopC6, 7
Arthur StreetA6
Artillery StreetG5
Ashburnham RoadA7
Ash GroveH1, 2
Asylum RoadH7
Auckland StreetD6
Audley StreetBC4
Augustus StreetC2
Avenue RoadAB1; EF7
Avondale SquareG6
Back Church LaneG4
Bacon StreetG3
Baker StreetB3; E2
–_– StationB3
Balaclava RoadG6
Bank of EnglandF4
Baptist CollegeB2
Barkworth RoadH7
Barlow StreetF6
Barnsbury and Caledonian Rd. Stat.E1
– RoadE1, 2
– SquareE1
– StreetE1
Baroness RoadG2
Barracks (Käsernen)A1; BC6; C2
Bartholomew HospitE3
– the GreatE3
Basinghall StreetF3, 4
Bath StreetF2, 3
– BridgeA7
– Bridge RoadAB7
Battersea ParkB7
–_– PierB7
–_– RoadC7
–_– Road StationC7
–_– StationC7
Battlebridge RoadD2
Bayham StreetC1
– RoadAB4
– StationA4
Beak StreetC4
Beaufort StreetA6, 7
Bedfort RoadE3
– SquareD3
– StreetD4; H3, 4
Belgrave DockC6, 7
– PlaceBC5
– RoadC6
– SquareB5
– StreetC5, 6
Bell AvenueF3
Belsize RoadA1
Belvedere RoadDE5
Bemmerton StreetD1
Beresford StreetEF7
Berkeley SquareC4
Berk StreetC4
– MarketF5
– new RoadFG5, 6
– StreetFG5
– WallGH5
Bernard StreetD3
Berners StreetC3
Bessborough StreetD6
Bethlehem Lunatic AsylumE5, 6
Bethnal GreenGH2, 3
–_– JunctionH3
–_– MuseumH2
–_– RoadGH2, 3
Billingsgate MarketF4
Birdcage WalkCD5
Birdin Bush RoadGH7
Bishopserate StationG3; H2
– StreetFG3, 4
Bishops RoadA3
–_– StationA3
Blackfriars BridgeE4
– RoadE4, 5
– StationE4
Blakes RoadG7
Blenheim StreetB6
Blinds AsylumE5
Blomfield RoadA3
Bloomsbury SquareD3
Blundell StreetD1
Blythe StreetH2
Boating LakeBC7
Boltons (The)A6
Bond StreetD7
Bonners RoadH2
Bord of TradeD5
Borough High StreetF5
Borough RoadEF5
–_– StationE5
Borough StationF5
Boston StreetG2
Botanic GardensB2; B7
Boundary RoadA1
– StreetG2, 3
Bourton's CourtB6
Boyson RoadF7
Brady StreetH3
Brandon StreetF6
Brewer StreetC4
Brewery RoadD1
– StreetC5
Bricklands Arms StationG6
Brick LaneG2, 3
Bridge RoadA7
Bridgewater HouseC5
Bridport StreetF1, 2
Britannia StreetF1; F2
– TheatreFG2
British MuseumD3
British Museum StatD3
Brixton RoadE7
Broad SanctuaryD5
Broad StreetD3, 4; D6; F3, 4
–_– StationF3
Broad WalkC2; E4, 5
Broke RoadG1
– RoadB5
Brook StreetC4; E6
Brownlow RoadG1
Brunswick PlaceF2
– SquareD3
Brushfield StreetG3
Bruton StreetC4
Bryanston SquareB3
Buckingham PalaceC5
–_– RoadC5, 6
Buckingham StreetD1, 2
Bunhill RowF3
Burr StreetG4, 5
Burton CrescentD2
Bury StreetD3
Buttesland StreetF2
Buxton StreetG3
Byng PlaceD3
Byron MonumentC5
Cable StreetGH4
Cadogan PierB7
– PlaceB5, 6
– SquareB6
– StreetB6
Caledonian RoadDE1, 2
Cale StreetAB6
Caltham StreetE2, 3
– New RoadE7
– RoadF7
Cambridge Heath StationH2
Cambridge RoadH1-3
– SquareB3
Camden GroveG7
– RoadC1
–_– StationD1
Camden StreetC1
– TownCD1, 2
–_– StationC1
Canada DockH5, 6
Canal RoadG1
Cannon StreetF4
–_– RoadH4
–_– StationF4
– RoadE1
– SquareE1
– StreetF1
Canterbury RoadA2; H7
Carey StreetE4
Carlisle PlaceC6
– StreetAB3; E5
Carlton HillA1, 2
Carlyle PierA7
Carnaby StreetC4
Caroline StreetH7
Carrington StreetD2
Carroun RoadDE7
Carter StreetF6, 7
Castle StreetD4
Cator StreetG7
Cattle MarketD1
Cavalry BarracksB5; C2
Cavendish RoadA2
– SquareC3
Central StreetF2, 3
Cephas StreetH3
Chalk Farm RoadBC1
–_– StationB1
Chancery LaneE3, 4
–_– StationE3
Chandos StreetD4
Chapel StreetE2
Charing Cross RoadD4
–_– StationD4
Charles SquareF2
–StreetB2; C4; E3; CD4; H4
Charlotte StreetCD3
Charlton StreetD2
Charlwood StreetC6
Charter HouseE3
–_– SquareE3
–_– StreetE3
– BridgeC7
– Bridge RoadBC6
Chelsea EmbankmtB7
– HospitalB6
Cherry Garden PierH5
Cherry TreeF3
Chester RoadC2
– SquareC6
– StreetC5; E6
Cheyne WalkAB7
Chiswell StreetF3
Christ HospitalE3
Christian StreetH4
Chrysell RoadE7
Church RoadA7; F1; G2, 3
– StreetA6, 7; AB3
Cilston RoadA6
Circus RoadA2
– RoadEF2, 3
– Road BasinF2
– Road StationF2
Clapham RoadDE7
Clarence GardensC2
– RoadC1
– StreetH5
Claremont SquareE2
Clarendon SquareD2
– StreetCD2
Clark StreetH3
Claverton StreetC6, 7
Clayton StreetE7
Clements RoadH6
Cleopatra NeedleD4
Clerkenwell GroveE3
– RoadE3
Cleveland SquareA4
– StreetC3; H3
Clifton HillA1, 2
– RoadA3
– StreetF3
Cloudesley RoadE1
– SquareE1
Cobourg RoadG6, 7
– RowC6
Cockspur StreetD4
Colebrooke RowE2
Coleman RoadF7
– StreetF3, 4
College StreetB6
Collier StreetDE2
Collingwood StreetH3
Columbia MarketG2
– RoadG2
Commercial RoadC6; E4; GH4; GH7
– StreetG3, 4
Compton RoadE1
– StreetE3
Conduit StreetC4
Connaught Street und SquareB4
Constitution HillC5
Coopers RoadG6
Copenhagen StreetDE1
Cornwall GardensA5
– RoadE4, 5
Courtenay StreetE6
Courts of JusticeE4
Covent Garden MarketD4
–_– TheatreD4
Coventry StreetD4; H3
Crampton StreetEF6
Cranley GardensA6
Cranmer RoadE7
Craven HillA4
– RoadA4
– TerraceA4
Crawford StreetB3
Cremorne RoadA7
Cresham StreetF4
Cricket GroundB7
Cromer StreetD2
Cromwell RoadA6
Crondall StreetFG2
Cross StreetE1; E3; H4
Growndale RoadCD2
Cubitt StreetDE2, 3
Culford RoadFG1
Cumberland MarketC2
– StreetC6
Cumming StreetE2
Curtain RoadG3
Curzon StreetC4
Custom HouseFG4
Dalston Junction St.G1
Danbury StreetEF2
Darwin StreetF6
Davies StreetC4
Deacon StreetF6
Dean StreetD4
De Beauvoir CrescentF1
–_– RoadG1
–_– SquareG1
–_– TownFG1
Delaford RoadH7
Delancy StreetC1
De Laune StreetE6, 7
Dempsey StreetH3, 4
Denbigh StreetC6
Deptford Lower RdH5, 6
Derby StreetD2
Deutsche BotschaftD5
Deverell StreetF6
Devonshire StreetC3; H3
Ditch, Tower-G4
Doddington GroveE7
Dorset RoadD7
– SquareB3
– StreetB3
Doughty StreetDE3
Douglas StreetCD6
Dover StreetC4
Downham RoadFG1
Downing StreetD5
Draycott PlaceB6
Drayton GardensA6
Drummond RoadH5, 6
– StreetCD2
Drury LaneD4
–_– TheatreD4
Duke of Cumberland-DenkmalC3
Duke StreetBC4
Duncan PlaceH1
Dunloe StreetG2
Dunston RoadG1
– StreetG1
Eagle StreetD3
– Wharf RoadF2
Earl RoadG6
– StreetAB3
East RoadF2
– StreetB3; D3; F6
– Surrey GroveG7
Eaton PlaneBC5, 6
– SquareBC5, 6
– TerraceB6
Ebury SquareC6
– StreetBC6
Ecclesbourne RoadF1
Eccleston StreetC6
Edgware RoadAB3, 4
–_– StationAB3
Edith GroveA7
Edmund StreetF7
Elephant and CastleE6
Elgin AvenueA2
– TerraceA2
Elisabeth StreetC6; F7
Elmore StreeF1
Elsworth RoadB1
Ely PlaceG2
Endell StreetD4
Endsleigh GardensD2
Englefield RoadFG1
Enid StreetG5, 6
Equitable Gas WorksD6
Essex RoadEF1
– StreetG2
Ethelred StreetE6
Eton AvenueAB1
– RoadB1
Euston RoadCD2, 3
Euston SquareD2
– StationC2
– StreetCD2
Exeter HallD4
Exmouth StreetE2; H3, 4
Fairclough StreetGH4
Falmouth RoadF5, 6
Farcombe StreetGH5
Farmers RoadE7
Farringdon RoadE3
– StreetE3, 4
– Street StationE3
Fashion StreetG3
Fellows RoadAB1
Fenchurch StreetFG4
–_– StationG4
Fentimans RoadD7
Ferdinand StreetC1
Fetter LaneE3, 4
Finchley RoadA1
– CircusF3
– SquareF3
Fitzroy RoadB1
– SquareC3
Fleet StreetE4
Flood StreetB6, 7
Fore StreetF3
Forest RoadG1
Fort RoadGH6
Foundling HospitalD3
Fountain StreetD7
Fournier StreetG3
Foxley RoadE7
Francis StreetC6
Frederick StreetD1
Friar StreetE5
Frith StreetD4
Fulham RoadA6, 7
Furnival's InnE3
Gainsfield StreetG5
Gailey Wall RoadH6
Galway StreetF2
Gas WorksA7; C7; D2; D6; G2; H2
General Post OfficeF4
Geological MuseumC4
George RowG5
Georges RoadC6
– StreetB3; C2; F7
Gibraltar WalkG2
Gibson SquareE1
Gilbert StreetC4
Glengall RoadG7
Globe RoadH2, 3
–_– StationH2, 3
Gloucester PlaceB3
– RoadA5, 6; BC1; G7
– Road StationA6
Gloucester StreetC6
– TerraceA3, 4
Golden LaneF3
– SquareC4
Goldsmith's RowGH2
Goods DepotD1
– StationAB3; C1; E4; G3
Gordon SquareD3
Gore RoadH1
Gossett StreetG2
Gough StreetE3
Goulston StreetG3, 4
Government OfficesD5
Gower StreetCD3
–_– StationD3
Gracechurch StreetF4
Grafton StreetC3
Graham StreetEF2
Granbourn StreetD4
Grand Junction RoadAB3, 4
Grand Surrey CanalF-H7
Grand TheatreF2
Grange RoadGH5, 6
– StreetF2
– WalkG5, 6
Gravel LaneE5
Gray Inn RoadDE2, 3
Gray's InnE3
Great Cambridge Str.G2
– College StreetCD1
– Coram StreetD3
– Dover StreetF5, 6
Great Eastern StreetFG2, 3
– George StreetD5
– Guildfield Str.D3
– Hermitage Str.GH5
– James StreetFG2
– Northern Railway Dep.D1
– Ormond StreetD3
– Percy StreetE2
– Peter StreetD5
– Portland StreetC3
– Queen StreetD3, 4
– Russell StreetD3
– Suffolk StreutEF5
– Titchfield StreetC3
– Tower StreetG4
– Wild StreetD4
Greek StreetD4
Green BankH5
– ParkC5
– StreetB4; H2
Grey Coat HospitalCD6
Grosvenor CanalC6
– GardensC5
– HouseB4
– ParkE7
– PlaceC5
– RoadCD6, 7
– Road StationC7
Grosvenor SquareC4
– StreetC4; F7
– TerraceF7
Groswell RoadE2, 3
Grove End RoadA2
– GardenAB2
– RoadAB2, 3
Guildfield StreetF4, 5
GuildhallF3, 4
Gunter GroveA7
Guy's HospitalF5
Hackney RoadGH2
Haggerston RoadG1
Hague StreetH2, 3
Halfmoon CrescentE2
Halkin StreetB5
Halliford StreetF1
Hall PlaceA3
– RoadA2
Halton RoadE1
Hamilton TerraceA2
Hanover SquareC4
Hampden StreetD2
Hampstead RoadC2, 3
Hanbury StreetG3
Hans PlaceB5
– RoadB5
Hardinge StreetH4
Hare StreetG3
Harleyfield RoadD7
Harley RoadAB1
– StreetC3
Harmood StreetC1
Harper StreetF6
Harrington GardensA6
– RoadA6
– SquareC2
Harrow RoadA3
Hartington RoadD7
Hartland RoadC1
Hartley StreetH2
Hart's LaneG2
Hart StreetD3
Harwar StreetG2
Hastings StreetD2
Hatton GroveE3
Hawkstone RoadH6
Hawley RoadC1
– TheatreD4
Haymerle RoadG7
Hemingford RoadE1
Henry StreetAB2; E2
Hercules RoadE5, 6
Hereford SquareA6
Hertford RoadG1
High HolbornDE3
– StreetAB2; BC3; C1;
D3, 4; GH5; H4
Hillingdon StreetEF7
Hill StreetC4; G7
Holborn ViaductE3
–_– StationE3
Holford SquareE2
Holly StreetG1
Hollywood RoadA6, 7
Holme, theB2
Holms StreetG2
Horney LaneG5
Horseferry RoadD6
Horse Guards ParadeD5
HospitalsD2; D3; D5; H2
House of ParliamentD5
Howland StreetC3
Hows StreetG2
– SquareG2
– StreetG2
Hugh StreetC6
Humane Society Hse.B5
Hungerford BridgeD4, 5
Hunter StreetD2
Huntley StreetCD3
Hyde CornerB5
– ParkAB4
– Park SquareB4
Hyde RoadFG1, 2
Ilderton RoadH6, 7
Imperial InstitutionA5
–_– RoadA5
Inner CircleBC2
Inverness TerraceA4
Inville RoadF6, 7
Ironmonger RowF2, 3
Ivy StreetFG2
Jamaica RoadGH5
– StreetH3, 4
James StreetC1; C4, 5
Jenner MonumentA4
Jermyn StreetC4
John StreetB3
Jubilee StreetH3, 4
Judd StreetD2
Keeton RoadH5, 6
KenningtonE6, 7
– OvalE7
– ParkE7
– Park RoadE6, 7
– RoadE5-7
– StationE6
Kensington GardensA4, 5
– GoreAB5
– PalaceA5
Kentish TownCD1
–_– RoadC1
Keppel StreetB6; D3
King Edward RoadH1
– Henry's RoadB1
King's College HospE4
– College RoadAB1
– Cross RoadDE2
– Cross StationD2
– C. St. (Untergr.)D2
Kingslake StreetFG6
Kingsland RoadG1, 2
King SquareEF2
– StreetC4
– William StreetF4
KingswayD3, 4
Kipling StreetF5
LambethE5, 6
– BridgeD6
– Lower MarshE5
– PalaceD6
– Palace RoadD5, 6
Lambeth RoadDE5, 6
– WalkDE6
– WorkhouseE6
Lanark VillasA2
Lancaster Gate StatA4
Lancley LaneD7
Lane Cadogan PlaceB5, 6
Lant StreetF5
Lark RoadH2
Laycocks YardE1
Leadenhall StreetFG4
Leader StreetB6
Leather LaneE3
Lee StreetG1
Leicester SquareD4
Leinster GardensA4
Leipsic RoadF7
Leman StreetG4
Lenox GardensB6
Lenthall StreetG1
Leonard StreetF3
Leroy StreetFG6
Lever StreetEF2
Leyton SquareG7
Licenced Victuallers AsylumH7
Limestone StreetA7
Lime StreetF4
Lincoln's InnE3, 4
–_– FieldDE3
Linsey StreetG6
Linton StreetF1, 2
Lisson GroveB3
– StreetB3
Little James StreetDE3
Liverpool RoadE1, 2
– StreetF3; F7
– Street StationFG3
Lodge PlaceA2
Lofting RoadE1
Lollard StreetE6
Lombard StreetF4
London BridgeF4
– Docks (West u. East;
Shadwell New Basin)GH4
– Fever HospitalE1
– FieldsH1
– HospitalH3
– RoadE5, 6
– StationF5
– University (Burlington House)C4
– WallF3
Long AcreD4
– LaneE3; F5
Lonsdale SquareE1
Lord's Cricket GroundA2
Lorrimore RoadEF7
– SquareE7
Loudoun RoadA1, 2
–_– StationA1
Lower East SmithfdG4, 5
– Kennington LaneE6
– Park RoadGH7
– Thames StreetFG4
Lowndes SquareB5
Lucas RoadE7
– StreetH4
Ludgate HillE4
–_– StationE4
Lunatic AsylumH2
Lupus StreetC6
Lyceum TheatreD4
Lynton RoadGH6
Macklin StreetD3, 4
Madame Tussaud's ExhibitionBC3
Maddox StreetC4
Maida ValeA2, 3
Maiden LaneD1
Maltby StreetG5
Manchester SquareB3
– StreetB3; D2
Manor PlaceEF6
– StreetB6, 7; H7
Mansell StreetG4
Mansfield StreetG2; H2
Mansion HouseF4
–_– StationF4
Marble ArchB4
Margareth StreetE2
Market StreetAB3
Mark Lane StationG4
Marlborough HouseC5
– PlaceA2
– RoadA1, 2; B6; G1; G6, 7
– Road StationA1
Marquess RoadF1
Marsham StreetD5, 6
– RoadBC3
– StationB3
– StreetC3
– WorkhouseB3
Mary's HospitalA3
Mary StreetG2
Mawbey StreetD7
Mayfield RoadG1
– StreetG1
Meadow RoadD7
Mecklenbourg SquareD3
Medical SchoolD5
Merrow StreetF7
Michaels GroveB5
Middlesex HospitalC3
– StreetG3, 4
Mile End RoadH3
Miles StreetD7
Millbank StreetD5, 6
Mill StreetG5
Milmans StreetA7
Milner SquareE1
– TerraceB6
Milton StreetF3
Mina RoadG6
Minerva StreetH2
Mintern StreetF2
Mint StreetF5
Mitland Railway DepotD1
– StationD2
Monk StreetD5, 6
Monnow RoadG6
Montague HouseD5
– PlaceD3
– SquareB3
– StreetD3
Montagu PlaceB3
– StationF4
Moorgate StreetF3, 4
–_– StationF3
Moreland StreetEF2
Moreton StreetC6
Mornington CrescentC2
– RoadC1, 2
Mortimer RoadG1
– StreetC3
Morton RoadF1
Mount St. Rose StreetG2, 3
Mount StreetBC4
Munster SquareC2
Muriel StreetE1, 2
Murray StreetF2
Myddleton StreetE2
Myrtle StreetG1
National GalleryD4
–_– of British ArtD6
National Standard TheatreFG3
Natural History MuseumA5, 6
Naylor StreetH7
Neal StreetD4
Neate StreetFG7
Neckinger RoadG5, 6
Necropolis StationE5
– SquareE5
– StreetH4
Neptune StreetH5
Newark StreetH3
New Bond StreetC4
New BrixtonE7
Newburn StreetE6
New Church RoadF7
–_– StreetG5
Newcomen StreetF5
New CutE5
Newgate PrisonE4
– StreetEF3, 4
New Gravel LaneH4
– ButtsE6
– CausewayEF3, 4
New Kent RoadF6
Newman StreetC3
New North RoadF1, 2
– Oxford StreetD3
– River WaterworksE2
– RoadC7; H3, 4
– Scotland YardD5
– StreetE3, 4; E6
– Wharf RoadA3
Nichols SquareG2
Nine Bridge StreetE4
Nine Elms LaneCD7
–_– PierD7
Noble StreetF3
Noel StreetE2
Norfield SquareA3, 4
Norford CrescentB3
Northampton SquareE2
North BankAB2
Northern AvenueD4
Northport StreetF1, 2
North RowB4
– StreetB5; H1, 2
N.W. Railway Goods DepG4
Norton FolgateG3
Nutfield StreetB3
Oakley RoadF1
– SquareC2
– StreetB6, 7; E5
Ockenden RoadF1
Offord RoadE1
Old BaileyE4
– Bethnal Green RoadH2
– Bond StreetC4
– Brompton RoadA6
– Fort RoadH2
– Gravel LaneH4, 5
– Kent RoadH6, 7
– Kent Road Stat.H7
– Montague Str.G3
– Pye StreetD5
– St. PankrasD2
– St. Pankras RoadD2
– StreetF2, 3
– Street StationF2, 3
– Swan PierF4
Orange StreetEF5
Orchard StreetB4
Ordnance RoadA1, 2
Ormside StreetH7
Orphan AsylumA2
Osborne TerraceD7
Osnaburgh StreetC3
Ossory RoadG7
Ossulston StreetD2
Outer CircleBC1-3
Oval RoadC1
– StationE7
Oxford Circus StationC4
Oxford RoadF1
– SquareB4
– StreetBC4; H3
Packington StreetEF1
– BasinA3
– GreenA3
– StationA3
Page StreetD6
Pages WalkFG6
Palace GardensC5
– StreetC5
Palfrey PlaceDE7
Pall MallCD4, 5
Paradise StreetD6; H5
Parcel Post, Central OfficeE3
Parliament, House ofD5
Parliament SquareD5
Park CrescentC3
Parkers RoadG5
Parker StreetD3, 4
Park LaneB4
– RoadB2, 3; B7
– SquareC3
– StationC7
–StreetB4; C1; E1; F4
– WalkA7
Pater noster RowEF4
Paul's StreetF3
Pavillon RoadB5, 6
Peabody BuildingsF5
Pearson StreetG2
– BranchG7
– GroveFG7
– NewtownH7
– Park RoadG7
Pelham CrescentA6
– StreetG3
Pembroke StreetD1
Pennington StreetGH4
Penrose StreetF6
Penton PlaceEF6
– StreetE2
Pentonville PrisonE1
– RoadDE2
Pepler RoadG6, 7
Percy CircusE2
– StreetE2
Philip StreetG1, 2
Phoenix GasworksE7
– StreetD2
PicadillyC4, 5
– CircusCD4
Picton StreetF7
– PierC7
– RoadBC6
Pitfield StreetF2
Plumbers StreetG3, 4
Pocock StreetE5
Poland StreetC4
Police BarracksB4
Pont StreetB5
Popham RoadF1
Porchester RoadA3
– TerraceA4
Portland PlaceC3
– Road StationC3
– StreetF6, 7
Portman SquareB4
– StreetB4
Portpool LaneE3
Portsdown RoadA2, 3
Pownall RoadGH1
Praed StationA4
– StreetA3
Pratt StreetC1
Prebend StreetF1
Prescott StreetG4
Primrose Hill ParkB1
–_– RoadB1
Prince Consort MonE3
–_– RoadA5
Prince of Wales RoadBC7
Princes GardensA5
– GateA5, 6
– RoadDE6
– SquareE6
Princess StreetA3
Pritchards RoadH2
Prospect PlaceH2
Provost StreetF2
Prusom StreetA4, 5
Prussia House (Deutsche Botschaft)D5
Quaker StreetG3
Queen Elisab. StreetG5
Queen's GateA5, 6
–_– Place and GardensA5
–_– TerraceA5
Queen's RoadA1; A4; G1
Queen SquareD3
– StreetB3
– Victoria StreetEF4
Radnor PlaceAB4
Railway WorksCD7
Randalls StreetD1
Ranelagh RoadC6, 7
Rangers LodgeB4
Raymouth RoadH6
Record OfficeE4
Redcliffe GardenA7
Redcross StreetF5
Red Lion SquareD3
–_– StreetD3; E3
Redmans RoadH3
Reedworth StreetE6
Regency StreetD6
Regent's CanalBC1, 2; F-H1, 2
– ParkBC2
– Park RoadBC1
Regent's RoadGH1
Regent SquareD2
– StreetC3, 4; D4
Reverdy StreetG6
Richmond RoadE1
– StreetA3
Rivington StreetFG2
Robert StreetC2
Rochester RowC6
Rockingham StreetF5, 6
Rodney PlaceF6
– RoadF6
– StreetE2
Rolls RoadGH6, 7
Rope Maker StreetF3
Roscoe StreetF3
Rosebery AvenueE2
Rosoman StreetE2, 3
RotherhitheGH5, 6
– New RoadH6, 7
– StationH5
– StreetH5
Rotten RowAB5
Rouel RoadG6
Row StreetD4
Royal Albert HallA5
– AquariumD5
– Hospital RoadB6, 7
– Military AsylumB6
– MewsC5
– MintG4
– Oak StationA3
– Oak StreetG4
Royal RoadE7
Rusht StreetF2
Russell SquareD3
Russia LaneH2
Rutland StreetC6, 7; H3
St. AndrewE3
– Andrew StreetD4
– Andrew's ChurchE1
– ClementsE4
– Dunstan's LodgeB2
– Edmund TerraceB1
– George's CircusE5
– George's Hospit.B5
– George's RoadB1; C6; E5, 6; FG7
– George's SquareCD6, 7
– George's StreetGH4
– Helena RoadH6
– Island PalaceE7
– James's HouseC4
– James's PalaceC5
– James's ParkCD5
– James's RoadG5-7
– James's SquareC4
– James's StationD5
– James's StreetC4, 5
– John's ChurchB2; D6; G5
– John's LodgeB2
– John's RoadF2
– John's StreetE3
– John's Street RoadE2
– John's WoodA1, 2
– John's Wood ParkA1
– John's Wood RoadA2
– John's Wood StationB2
– John's Wood TerraceAB1, 2
– Katherine Docks (West-, East-B.)G4
– Katherine LaneC2
– Luke HospitalF2, 3
– MargarethD5
– Mark's (New Brixton)E7
– Mark's (St. John's Wood)A2
– Mark's Church und SquareE2
– Mark's CollegeA7
– Mark's RoadE7
– MartinD4
– Martin's LaneD4
– MaryD4; E4
– Mary AxeG4
– Mary MagdalenaG5
– Mary's ChurchA6
– Mary's TerraceA3
– PankrasDE2, 3
– Pankras StationD2
– P. WorkhouseD1
– Paul's CathedralEF4
– Paul's ChurchA1
– Paul's PierE4
– Paul's RoadCD1; E7
– Paul's StationE4
– Paul's StreetF1
– PeterE3
– Peter StreetEF1, 2; G2
– SaviourF4
– Thomas HospitalD5
Salisbury StreetAB3; H5
Sancroft StreetE6
Satchville RentsG2
Savile RoadC4
Scarles RoadF6
Science GalleryA5
Senegal RoadH6, 7
SerpentineAB4, 5
Sessions HouseF5
Settle StreetA4; GH3, 4
Seven DialsD4
Sewardstone RoadH2
Seward StreetEF2
Seymour PlaceB3, 4
– StreetB4; CD2
Shad ThaniesFG5
Shadwell New BasinH4
Shadwell StationH4
Shaftesbury AvenueD4
– StreetF2
Sharatt StreetH7
Sheep LaneH1
Shepherdess WalkF2
Shepperton RoadF1
Shipton StreetG2
Shoe LaneE3, 4
ShoreditchG2, 3
– StationG2
Sidney StreetH3, 4
Silwood StreetH6
Slaughter HouseD1
Sloane SquareB6
– StationB6
– StreetB5, 6
Small Pox HospitalH7
Smithfield MarketE3
Smith SquareD6
– StreetB6
– WharfF4
Snow FieldsF5
Soho SquareD4
Somerset HouseDE4
Southampton RowD3
– StreetD2; FG7
South Bermondsey StationH6
Southgate RoadF1
South Kensington MuseumA5
–_– StationA6
South LambethD7
–_– RoadD7
South PlaceE7
– StreetBC4; F6
– VillaB2, 3
– BridgeF4
– Bridge RoadEF4, 5
Southwark ParkH5, 6
–_– RoadGH6; H5, 6
–_– StationH6
Southwark StreetEF4, 5
– and Vauxhall WaterworksC7
Spa RoadG6
–_– StationG6
Spelman StreetG3
Spencer StreetB7
Spitalfields MarketG3
Springfield RoadA1
Spur StreetE5
Stafford HouseC5
Stamford RoadG1
Stanford StreetE4, 5
Stanhope StreetC2
Stannery StreeFG7
Staple StreetF5
Star StreetAB3
Stibbington StreetCD2
Stockholm RoadH7
Store StreetD3
Storks StreetGH5, 6
Subtropical GardensB7
Sumner RoadG7
– StreetEF4, 5
Sun StreetFG3
Surrey SquareFG6
Sussex GardensA3, 4
– PlaceB2, 3
– SquareA4
Sutherland AvenueA2
– SquareF7
– StreetC6
Sutton Street EastH4
Swan LaneH5
– PlaceF6
Swiss Cottage StatA1
Sydney PlaceA6
– StreetAB6
Tabard StreetF5
Tabernacle StreetF3
Tachbrook StreetC6
Tanner StreetG5
Tavistock PlaceD3
– SquareD3
– PierE4
– StationE4
– StreetH2
Tetcott RoadA7
The AngelE2
– AvenueC6
– Broad WalkA4, 5
– GrangeG5, 6
– MallC5
– RingB4
Theobalds RoadDE3
Thistle Grove LaneA6
Thomas StreetF5
Thorne RoadD7
Thornhill RoadE1
– SquareE1
Throgmorton Aven.F3, 4
Thurlow StreetF6
Times OfficeE4
Tooley StreetFG5
Torrington SquareD3
Tostin StreetH7
Tottenham Court Rd.CD3
–_–_– StationD3
– BridgeG4, 5
– HillG4
– StreetE5; G4
– SubwayG4, 5
– WharfG4
Townhall, HolbornE3
Townsend RoadB1, 2
Toxophilite SocietyBC2, 3
Trafalgar RoadG1; G7
– SquareA6; D4
– StreetF6
Tranton RoadGH5
Trigon RoadDE7
Trinity SquareG4
Tudor StreetE4
Turin StreetG2
Turner StreetH3, 4
Tyers StreetD6
Ufton RoadF1
Underdale RoadA7
Union RoadF5; H5
– StreetEF5; G3, 4
University CollegeD3
Upper Barnsbury StreetE1
– Berkeley StreetB4
– Brook StreetB4
– Chapman StreetH4
– East SmithfieldG4
– George StreetB3
– Grange RoadG6
– Grosvenor StreetB4
–Hamilton TerraceA2
–Kennington LaneDE5, 6
– StreetE1
– Thames StreetEF4
Vallance RoadH2, 3
Vassal RoadE7
Vauxhall BridgeD6
–_– RoadCD6
Vauxhall ParkD7
– PierD6
– StationD7
– StreetDE6
– WalkD6
Verney RoadH7
Victoria BridgeC7
– EmbankmentDE4, 5
– GroveA7
– ParkH1, 2
– Park RoadH1
Victoria PierC7
– RoadA5; C1; C7
– StationC6
– St. Distr RailwC5
Victoria StreetCD5
– Tower GardensD5
Villa StreetF6, 7
Vincent SquareCD6
– StreetD6
Virginia RoadG2
Wadhurst RoadC7
Walton StreetB5, 6
– RoadF6, 7
– Road StationF7
Wandsworth RoadD7
– StationH5
– WalkH4
Wardour StreetCD4
Warham StreetE7
Warner PlaceG2
– StreetE3
War OfficeC5
Warren StreetC3
Warrington CrescentA2, 3
Warwick RoadA3
– SquareC6
– StreetC6
Waterloo BridgeDE4
– Junction StatE5
– PanoramaC5, 6
– PlaceD4
– RoadE4, 5
– StationE5
Water WorksA4; B1; C7
Watling StreetF4
Webber RowE5
Welbeck StreetC3, 4
Welclose SquareG4
– BarracksC5
– RoadA2
– RowG2
– StreetD4
Wellsfield StreetG6
Wells StreetC3; F7
Wenlock BasinF2
– StreetF2
Wentworth StreetG3
Westbourne StreetB6
– TerraceA3, 4
– AbbeyD5
– BridgeD5
– Bridge RoadE5
– Bridge StationD5
Westmoreland RoadF6, 7
Weston StreetF5, 6
West StreetH2
Wetherby GardensA6
Weymouth StreetC3
Wharf RoadF2
Wharton StreetE2
Whilfield StreetCD3
Whiston StreetG2
Whitechapel High StreetG3, 4
Whitechapel RoadGH3
– StationH3
Whitecross StreetF3
WhitehallD4, 5
White Lion StreetE2
White StreetF5
Wigmore StreetC3
Wilcox RoadD7
Wilkins StreetD7
William StreetC2
Willow WalkG6
Wilmer GroveG2
Wilmington SquareE2
Wilson StreetF3
Wilton CrescentB5
– RoadC6
– SquareF1
Wimpole StreetC3, 4
Winchester StreetD2
Windmill StreetE5
Woburn PlaceD3
– SquareD3
Wood StreetD5; F3, 4
Work HouseA7
Woronzow RoadA1
Worship StreetFG3
Wyndham RoadEF7
Wynford RoadE2
Wynyatt StreetE2
Yalding RoadG6
York ColumnD4
– RoadD1, 2; DE5; F2
– PlaceB3
– StreetB3; CD5; F6
Zoological GardensB2

London innere Stadt.
London innere Stadt.

Namen-Register zum Plan der Umgebung von London.

Die Buchstaben und Zahlen zwischen den Linien | L4 | bezeichnen die Quadrate des Planes.

Abbey WoodL4
–_– StationL4
Abney Park CemeteryF2
– StationB3
Addison Road StationC4
Agricultural HallF3
– SocietyB3
Albert DockI4
– MemorialD4
Alexandra PalaceE1
– ParkE1
Anerley StationG7
Angerstein WharfI4
Archway TavernE2
Arsenal WoolwichK4
Athletic GroundC3
Avery HillK6
Baker Street StationE3
– RoadE6
–_– StationE6
Balls Pond RoadF2
Bank of EnglandF4
– LevelKL3
– ReachKL3, 4
– RoadHI3, 4
– CommonC5
– ElmsC5
– StationC5
– ParkE5
– RiseDE5
– StationD5
Bayswater RoadD4
– JunctionGH7
– PlaceH7
Bedlam AsylumF4
Beckton Gas WorksK3, 4
Bellingham StationH6
Bennets CastleL2
Bethnal Green JunctionG3
–_– RoadG3
Beulah HillF7
Beverly BrookC6
Bishops Road StationD3
– WoodD1
Blackfriars RoadF4
Blackheath CommonH5
– HillH5
– StationH5
Black HorseH6
–_– Road StationG1
– Pot HillB2
– TunnelH4
– HallL6
Bog LodgeA6
Boston RoadA4
–_– StationA4
Botan. Garten (Kew Gardens)B5
Bow RoadH3
– StationH3
Brent BridgeC1
Brentford StationA4; A5
Brent ReservoirC1, 2
– RiverA3
Bricklayers Arms StationF4
Brighton and South Coast RailwayG5, 6
British MuseumE3
– HillEF6
– RoadF5
– StationF5
Broad Street StationF3
– StationG5
Brockwell ParkF6
BromleyH3; HI7
– CollegeH7
– HillH7
– StationH3; I7
– CemeteryD4, 5
Brondesbury HouseCD2
Buckingham PalaceE4
Burlington HouseE4
Burnt Ash GreenHI6
Bushy ParkA7
Caledonian RoadF2, 3
– CemeteryG6
– New RoadF5
–_–_– StationF5
– RoadF5
Cambridge AsylumB7
– RoadG3
Camden PlaceIK7
– RoadE2, 3
– Town StationE3
Canning TownH3
Cannon Street StationF4
Canonbury StationF2
Castle HillA3
Castlebar HillAB3
Catford Bridge StationH6
Central London RailwayD-F3, 4
Chalk Farm StationE3
Champion HillFG5
Chapel FarmI6
Charing Cross StationE4
CharltonI4, 5
– PierI4
– HospitalE4
– StationD5
– Water Works ReservoirC6
Chemical Works (Miteham)E7
Childs HillD2
– Grabmal Napoleons III. u. Prinz Louis'K7
– StationI7
ChiswickB5; BC4
– HouseC5
– StationB5
CityF3, 4
– of London CemeteryI2
– PrisonE2
– RoadF3
– CommonE5
Clapham JunctionE5
– RoadEF5
– CommonG1, 2
Clerkenwell RoadF3
Clissold ParkF2
Clitterhouse FarmC2
Coach and HorsesB3
Commercial RoadEG 3, 4
Common Wormwood ScrubsC3
Convict PrisonC3
Coombe and Malden StationC7
– HouseB7
– ParkB7
Cottenham ParkC7
Courts of JusticeF3
Covent Garden MarketE4
Cranbrook HouseI2
Cray riverL7
Cromwell RoadD4
Cross DiepA6
Crouch End StationF1
– Hill StationF2
Crown HillF7
– WoodI6
Crystal PalaceG7
Custom HouseF4
– LaneG2
Danson ParkL5, 6
De Beauvoir SquareF3
Denmark HillF5
–_– StationF5
DeptfordGH4, 5
Diana PondA7
Dock Yard (Deptford)GH4
–_– (Woolwich)I4
Dollis HillC2
–_– LaneC2
Draiton GreenA3, 4
– CollegeFG6
– CommonFG6
– ParkFG6
– StationF6
Eagle PondHI1
– Common StationB4
– StationB4
– TowerB3
Earls CourtD4
East ActonC3
– DulwichG5, 6
– End (Finchley)DE1
– HamI3
–_– LevelIK4
– India DocksH4
–_– Dock RoadH4
– London CemeteryHI3
–_– Water Works ReservoirG1
– MoulseyA7
– SheenBC5
– WickhamL5
Eaton SquareE4
Edgware RoadC-E2, 3
Eel Pie IslandA6
Electric Underground RailwF4, 5
Elephant and Castle StationF4
Elmstead LodgeI7
– Court (old Palace)I6
– SouthendK6
– StationI6
Epping ForestH1
Essex RoadF2, 3
Euston StationE3
Fairy HillI6
Farringdon Street StationF3
Fenchurch Street StationFG4
Ferry HillG6
Figges MarshE7
Filter BedsG2
Finchley RoadD2, 3
–_– StationsD2
FinsburyFG2, 3
– ParkF2
–_– StationF2
Fleet StreetF3, 4
Foots CrayL7
Forest GateI2
– RoadGH1
– Hill StationG6
Fortis GreenE1
Fortune GreenD2
– HillD1
FrognalD2; K7
FulhamC5; D5
– PalaceCD5
–_– RoadCD4, 5
– RoadD4, 5
Fustan RoadF3
Gallions ReachK4
– StationK4
Garett GreenD6
General Post OfficeF4
Gipsy Hill StationF7
Gladstone ParkC2
Golders GreenD1
Goldsmith's Alms HouseBC4
Goodmays FarmK2
– LodgeKL2
Gospel Oak StationE2
Government OfficesE4
Gower Street StationE3
Granbrook HouseK2
Grand Junction CanalA2, 3
– Surrey CanalFG4, 5
Grange FarmA3
Grays Inn RoadF3
Great Eastern RailwayKL2
– IlfordK2
– Northern RailwayF1
– Western RailwayAB4
GreenfordA2; A3
Green ManH2
– StreetG3
– HospitalH5
– MarshesHI4
– ParkH5
– SternwarteH5
Grove ParkB5
–_– StationI6
HackneyG2, 3
– Downs StationG2
– MarshGH2
– RoadG3
Hackney StationG2
– GateB6
– HouseA6
– HeathDE2
Hampton Court PalaceA7
–_– ParkA7
– WickA7
Hanger Hill HouseB3
– ParkA3
– StationA4
Harlesden GreenC3
– on the HillA1
Haverstock Hill StationE2
Haydons Road StationD7
– StationC1
Herne Hill StationF6
Highbury StationF2
– CollegeF2
High CrossFG1
– Level Station (Crystal Palace)F7
– StreetAB5; GH1; H3
– CemeteryE2
– PondsE2
– StationE1
– WoodE1
Hither GreenH6
Hoe StationH1
– ViaduktF3
–_– StationF3
Holland HouseD4
– RoadEF2
Homerton StationG2
Honor Oak StationG6
Horsington GreenA2
Horticultural GardensBC4
Hospital für UnheilbareD6
– (Walham Green)D4, 5
– (Wimbledon)C7
House of ParliamentEF4
Hurlingham HouseD5
Hyde ParkDE4
–_– CornerE4
Ilford StationK2
Imperial InstituteD4
International CollegeA5
Isle of DogsH4
– StationA5
Ivy BridgeA5
Jack Straw's CastleD2
Jacobs GreenD7
Kennington ParkF5
Kensal GreenCD3
–_– CemeteryC3
– GardensD4
– Hight Street StationD4
Kensington PalaceD4
Kentish TownE2
Ken WoodDE1, 2
– BridgeB4
– Gardens (Botan. Garten)B5
–_– StationB5
– ObservatoryA5
– StationI5
– StationD3
– GreenB1
– Neasdon StationC2
Kings Cross StationEF3
– RoadF2, 3
Kings-RoadDE4, 5
Kingston GateB7
– HillB7
– RoadBC6, 7
– upon ThamesB7
Knots GroundH1
Ladywell StationH5
– CemeteryD6, 7
– PalaceF4
Latimer Road StationCD4
Lea BridgeG2
–_– RoadGH1, 2
– RiverH2
– CemeteryH6
– GreenI5
– High RoadH5
– StationH6
LewishamH5, 6
– High RoadGH5
– JunctionH5
Leyton StationH2
Little EalingA4
– IlfordI2
Liverpool RoadF2, 3
– Street StationFG3
LocksA6; G1
London Bridge StationF4
–_– Chatham-Dover-RailwayH7
– DockG4
– Fields StationG3
– UniversityE4
Lordship Lane StationG6
Low Level Station (Crystal Palace)FG7
– LeytonH2
– Merton StationD7
Lower ForestHI1
– KidbrookeI5
– NorwoodF7
– SydenhamG6, 7
–_– StationGH6
– TootingDE6
Loxford HallK2
Ludgate Hill StationF3, 4
Magdalen HospitalE6
Maida ValeD3
Manor FarmA2; I5
– ParkI2
Marble HillA6
Mare StreetG2, 3
Margaret NessK4
Marlborough Road StationD3
Maryland Point StationH2
– FriedhofD1
– RoadE3
– StationE3
May's BridgeK3
– AbbeyD7
– ChurchD7
Metropolitan RailwayAB1, 2
Middle ParkI6
Midland RailwayC1, 2
Mile End RoadG3
Military AcademyIK5
Millwall DocksH4
Morden CollegeI5
– StationB5
Mount PleasantF1
Muswell HillE1
Mutton BrookD1
New BeckenhamG7
– BromleyI7
– Cross Road StationsG5
– Dulwich CollegeF6
– ElthamK6
– Kent RoadF4
– LodgeB6
– MaldenBC7
– North RoadF2, 3
– Oxford StreetF3
– RiverF2
– Town (Barking)K2
–_– (Fulham)C5
North DulwichF5, 6
– Ealing StationB3
– East Fever Hospital (Tottenham)F1
– End (Ham)I3
–_– (Hampstead)D2
– Greenwich StationH4
– Kent RailwayKL4
– West Fever HospitalE2
– WoolwichIK4
Northern Outfall SewerIK3
Northwestern RailwayAB1, 2
– CemeteryF6
– LaneB3
Notting HillD4
–_– StationD3
– CemeteryG5
Oak of Honor HillG6
Old Dover RoadKL5
– Dulwich CollegeF6
– Fort StationH3
– Kent RoadFG4, 5
–_–_– StationG5
– OakC3
– Park (Plumstead)L5
– StreetF3
One Tree HillG6
Orleans HouseA6
Orphan AsylumH1
Osterley ParkA4
–_– StationA5
Oval StationF5
Oxford StreetE3, 4
Oxleas WoodK5
PaddingtonD3, 4
– StationD3
Park RoadE3
– Royal StationB3
Parliament HillE2
– HouseEF4
Parsons GreenD5
– RyeG5
–_– CommonG5
–_– ParkG5, 6
–_– StationG5
Pembroke LodgeB6
– StationG7
Pen Ponds Old LodgeB6
Pentonville RoadF3
Peoples GardenBC3
– and Alperton StationB3
Perry HillG6
– StreetK7
PlaistowHI7; I3
– MarshI3
– StationI7
– MarshesKL4
Pope StreetK6
Poplar StationH4
Portland Road StationE3
Pound PlaceK7
Preston GreenB1
Primrose HillE3
– HeathC6
– ParkC5
Quaggy RiverH5, 6
Queen StreetKL2
– Victoria StreetF4
Queens ParkCD3
– Road StationG5
– WoodKL6
– RiverH7
Raynes Park StationC7
Red Post HillF5
Regents CanalF3
– ParkE3
Regent StreetE4
– HillB6
– ParkB6
– RoadB5
– StationB5
Rising SunI2
Robin Hood InnC6
Roding RiverK3
Roe GreenB1
– GateC6
Roman RoadGH3
Romford RoadI2
Römische VerschanzungC7
Rose BankC5
Roupell ParkEF6
Royal Military RepositoryI5
– Oak StationD3
Rushy GreenH6
Saint Dunstan's CollegeG6
– James ParkE4
–_– StationG1
– Johns RoadF3
–_– Wood StationD3
– Mary's ChurchI3
– PancrasEF2, 3
–_– (Midland) StationE3
– Pauls CathedraleF3, 4
–_– CrayKL7
–_– RoadF2
Seven Sisters RoadFG1, 2
–_– StationG1
Severn Droog CastleK5
Sheen, East-BC5
– GateB5, 6
Shepherds BushC4
Ship and BilletH4
Shooters HillK5
–_– RoadHI5
Shoot up HillD2
Shoreditch StationFG3
Shoulder of Mutton GreenK5
Shrewsbury HouseK5
– StationK6
Silk BridgeC1
Silver HillC6
– StationI4
Sion HouseA5
Sloane Square StationE4
Somerset HouseF4
South ActonB4
– Bormondsey StationG4
– EalingA4
– Eastern RailwayHI6
– Kensington MuseumD4
– LambethE5
– Outfall SewerKL4
– Western RailwayC7
– WimbledonD7
– (Eltham)K6
– ParkG4
Spaniards TaverneD2
Spa Road StationG4
Spring GroveA5
Stamford HilFG2
Stanhope ParkA3
Star and Garter (Inn)B6
Starch GreenC4
Stepney StationG4
Stockwell Road StationF5
Stoke Newington StationG2
Stonebridge ParkC3
– MarketH3
– New TownH2
– StationH2
Strawberry HillA6
–_– StationA6
StreathamEF6, 7
– CommonEF7
–_– StationE7
– Hill StationE6
– StationE7
Stroud GreenEF1, 2
Stud HouseA7
– and Wembley StationB2
– Town StationA2
– ParkI7
Surrey Coinmercial DockG4
– Hill StationF6
– Recreation GroundG6
– StationG7
– StationA7
Telegraph HillG5
– Fortune FarmD1
Thames SubwayH4
– (Themse) RiverAB5; KL4
– TunnelG4
Thatched HouseB7
The HydeC1
Tilbury and Southend RailwayKL3
Tooting CommonDE6
– StationE7
– StationG1
– HamletsGH3
Trafalgar SquareE4
Tulse HillF6
–_– StationF6
Turnham Green StationC4
– StationA6
– AbbeyB3
University CollegeE3
UpneyK2, 3
Upper NorwoodF7
Upper PoolFG4
– SydenhamG6
– TootingDE6
– Welsh HarpC1
Uxbridge RoadA-C4
–_– StationC4
Vauxhall Bridge RoadE4
– StationE5
Victoria DocksI4
– ParkG3
–_– StationGH2
– StationE4
Walham GreenD5
Wall EndIK3
Walworth RoadF4, 5
–_– StationF5
Wandle RiverD6
WandsworthDE5, 6
– CommonDE6
–_– StationE6
– PrisonD6
– RoadE5
–_– StationE5
– FlatsI2
– ParkI2
Waterloo ParkE2
– StationF4
Watkin TowerB2
Wellesley HouseA6
Welsh HarpC1
– ParkB2
–_– StationB2
Westbourne ParkD3
Westend StationD2
West GreenF1
– HallI5
– HamHI3
West Ham Abbey MarshH3
–_– ParkHI3
– India DocksH4
– KensingtonCD4
– NorwoodF6
– WoadK5, 6
– AbbeyE4
Westow HillF7
Whips CrossH1
White Ash LodgeB6
– HallE4
Whitechapel RoadG3
Whitton HouseA6
– Green StationC2
– JunctionC3
– CommonC6, 7
– ParkD6
– StationD7
Woodcock FarmB1
Wood LaneC3, 4
– Street StationH1
– ArsenalK4
– BarracksI5
– CommonI5
– Dock YardI4
– Military AcademyIK5
–_– RepositoryI5
– ReachI4
– SchießbahnK4
– Veterinary HospitalI5
– WorkhouseD6
– Workhouse CommonK5
Zoological GardensE3

Umgebung von London.
Umgebung von London.
Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon, Band 12. Leipzig 1908.


Jean Paul

Die unsichtbare Loge. Eine Lebensbeschreibung

Die unsichtbare Loge. Eine Lebensbeschreibung

Der Held Gustav wird einer Reihe ungewöhnlicher Erziehungsmethoden ausgesetzt. Die ersten acht Jahre seines Lebens verbringt er unter der Erde in der Obhut eines herrnhutischen Erziehers. Danach verläuft er sich im Wald, wird aufgegriffen und musisch erzogen bis er schließlich im Kadettenhaus eine militärische Ausbildung erhält und an einem Fürstenhof landet.

358 Seiten, 14.80 Euro

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Große Erzählungen der Frühromantik

Große Erzählungen der Frühromantik

1799 schreibt Novalis seinen Heinrich von Ofterdingen und schafft mit der blauen Blume, nach der der Jüngling sich sehnt, das Symbol einer der wirkungsmächtigsten Epochen unseres Kulturkreises. Ricarda Huch wird dazu viel später bemerken: »Die blaue Blume ist aber das, was jeder sucht, ohne es selbst zu wissen, nenne man es nun Gott, Ewigkeit oder Liebe.« Diese und fünf weitere große Erzählungen der Frühromantik hat Michael Holzinger für diese Leseausgabe ausgewählt.

396 Seiten, 19.80 Euro

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