
[467] Kidd, Johann, geb. 1780 in Westminster, wurde 1803 Professor der Chemie in Oxford, 1808 Oberarzt des Radcliffe Infirmary, 1820 Professor der Medicin, 1822 Professor der Anatomie u. endlich 1825 Director des Eweline Hospitals; er st. den 17. Sept. 1852 u. schr.: The outlines of mineralogy, 1809, 2 Bde.; A geological essay on the imperfect evidence in support of a theory of the earth., 1818; Introductory lecture to a course on comparative anatomy, 1824; On the adaptation of external nature to the physical condition of man, 1833; Observations on medical reform, 1842.

Pierer's Universal-Lexikon, Band 9. Altenburg 1860, S. 467.
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