Barnardo, Thomas John: »The Edinburgh Castle« in der Rhodeswell Road

Barnardo, Thomas John: »The Edinburgh Castle« in der Rhodeswell Road
Fotograf:Barnardo, Thomas John
Entstehungsjahr:um 1872
Ähnliche Einträge in anderen Lexika

Brockhaus-1911: Edinburgh · Barnardo · Castle Donington · Union Castle Line · Castle · Balmoral Castle · Barnard Castle · Cape Coast Castle · The Vize · Walton-on-the-Hill · Thé dansant · God save the King! · Justice of the Peace · The Dalles

DamenConvLex-1834: Edinburgh

Eisler-1904: Survival of the fittest

Heiligenlexikon-1858: The ophilus, S. (12) · Nicolaus The, V. (31) · Dominicus The V. (26)

Herder-1854: Edinburgh · Cape-Coast-Castle · Thé dansant · God save the King

Lemery-1721: The

Meyers-1905: Edinburgh Review · Lulworth Castle · Lumley Castle · Mona Castle · Maiden Castle · Thirlestane Castle · Hurst Castle · Gwrych Castle · Thirlwall Castle · Longford Castle · Leeds Castle · My house is my castle · Raglan Castle · Raby Castle · Ravensworth Castle · Saltwood Castle · Restormel Castle · Powis Castle · Pendennis Castle · Streatham Castle · Penrhyn Castle · Porchester Castle · Picton Castle · Castle-Line · Castle Howard · Castle Donington · Coity Castle · Coast Castle · Clarendon Castle · Belvoir Castle · Barnard-Castle · Abergeldie Castle · Castle · Cape Coast Castle · Broughton Castle · Conisbrongh Castle · Elvaston Castle · Dunstanburgh Castle · Farleigh Castle · Gordon Castle · Floors Castle · Corfe-Castle · Dunnottar Castle · Standard, The · Star, The · South West Africa Company Limited, The · South African Territories Limited, The · Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in foreign parts · Walton on the Hill

Pataky-1898: The Losen, Frl. Anna

Pierer-1857: Fairley-Road · Harrow on the Hill · Lord Warden of the Cinque Portz · God save the King · Benefit of the clergy · Chapel in the Frith